Pedestrian Priority Training for Drivers and Trainers in Konya

pedestrian training for sofor and patriots in konya
pedestrian training for sofor and patriots in konya

Konya Metropolitan Municipality provides training to drivers, patriots and turnstile personnel in cooperation with the Provincial Police Department in the works carried out by the Ministry of Interior under the slogan “Priority of Life, Priority of Pedestrians”. Metropolitan Municipality Continuing Education Center in coordination of training expert traffic police are participating in the training.

Trainings for pedestrian awareness are given to bus drivers, patriots and turnstile personnel working in Konya Metropolitan Municipality.

Konya Metropolitan Municipality continues its efforts to raise awareness of pedestrian priority among the drivers after the Ministry of Interior declared 2019 Year as a Pedestrian Priority Traffic Year. Within the scope of the campaign initiated by the Ministry with the slogan Hayat Priority of Life, Priority of Pedestrians Büyük, a training program is organized for thousand 20 bus drivers, 220 vatman, turnstile personnel and all other driver personnel in cooperation with Metropolitan Municipality and Provincial Security Directorate.

In the verbal and practical trainings given by the traffic policemen trained in the Traffic Inspection Branch Directorate of the Provincial Security Directorate Traffic Supervision Branch Directorate under the coordination of Continuous Training Center (SÜMER) affiliated to Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Planning and Traffic Department, traffic laws numbered 2918, importance of pedestrians, pedestrian superiority and attention information about the importance of safety belt and traffic, the effect of mobile phone usage on traffic and accidents, the rules that drivers should pay attention to, the effects and damages of alcohol in traffic, the intersections and rules to be observed, the errors and the laws and rules to be observed given.

In the trainings, driver-induced errors and accidents, driver psychology and anger control, belt simulator, alcohol simulator, sample pedestrian, vehicle, truck and bus accidents videos taken from MOBESE cameras are explained to the participants.

The Metropolitan Municipality will continue to provide training to drivers and patriots on issues such as public relations and anger control.

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