Second Bus Flights Start Between Erzincan Divrigi

The second raybus service starts between Erzincan Divrigi
The second raybus service starts between Erzincan Divrigi

10, the second bus service between Erzincan Divrigi, will start on Wednesday.

The Republic of Turkey State Railways (TCDD) Provincial Director Kenan Aydin, raybüs second time in Erzincan Divrigi will begin as of the day Wednesday, July 10 said.

Raybüs services; Departure from Erzincan at 06.25 in the morning and arrival at Ilic at 08.19. 08. 22 in the morning departure from Ilic, arrival in Ilic at 16.21 in the evening. It will be departure from Ilic at 16.26 in the evening and arrival to Erzincan at 18.22 in the evening.


Erzincan - Divriği Route Train Hours
station 1. Train
Erzincan 14:30
Smoky 14:44
Cebesoy 14:49
Incubus 15:05
Kemah 15:24
Eric 15:43
Ferula 15:52
Yahşice on 16:00
Gullubag 16:05
Atma 16:18
Ilic 16:25
Km. 824 200 + 16:35
Bağıştaş 16:39
Adatepe (Pingen) 16:50
Contact Kemaliye directly 17:00
Burmahan 17:06
km.xnumx 797 + 17:11
Bald 17:16
Km. 790 800 + 17:21
Divrigi 17:34
Divriği - Erzincan Route Train Hours
station 1. Train
Divrigi 05:50
Km. 790 800 + 06:04
Bald 06:09
km.xnumx 797 + 06:14
Burmahan 06:19
Contact Kemaliye directly 06:25
Adatepe (Pingen) 06:35
Bağıştaş 06:46
Km. 823 200 + 06:49
Ilic 07:00
Atma 07:07
Gullubag 07:19
Yahşice on 07:25
Ferula 07:33
Eric 07:43
Kemah 08:04
Incubus 08:26
Cebesoy 08:42
Smoky 08:47
Erzincan 08:59

These trains run every day between Erzincan> Divriği. Erzincan Divriği Regional Train serves every day on the routes of Erzincan, Dumanlı, Cebesoy, Alp, Kemah, Eriç, Çakşur, Yahşiler, Güllübağ, Atma, Ilic, Bağıştaş, Adatepe (Pingen), Kemaliye Çaltı, Burmahan, Dazlak, Divriği. . The train journey between Erzincan Divriği takes approximately 3 hours and 10 minutes.

0446 225 20 27 - (08.00 - 17.00)

0346 418 10 25 - (04.00-11.00 / 14.00-19.30)