Cotton flights in the castle will be more secure
20 Denizli

Pamukkale Flights will be safer

Pamukkale Flights Will Be Safer: Denizli Metropolitan Municipality is carrying out another study that will contribute to the tourism life of the city. Building belonging to Denizli Metropolitan Municipality, Pamukkale [more…]

caravans admired the army
52 Army

Caravans admired Ordu

This year's stop for the "Bir Passion Caravan Association" members, who visit various provinces of Turkey every year, was Ordu. Ordu, which raises the bar in tourism day by day [more…]

tcdd bicycle transport rules
06 Ankara

TCDD Bicycle Transport Rules

The rules for carrying bicycles on Suburban, Marmaray and YHT services, as stated on the official website of TCDD, are as follows. Bicycle Transportation Dear Passengers; Environmentally friendly, healthy transportation in today's conditions [more…]

yht baggage transport rules
06 Ankara

YHT Baggage Handling Rules

The rules determined by TCDD regarding the luggage that passengers who choose to travel on YHT will bring with them are as follows. For a peaceful trip, it is very important that you review these rules in advance. [more…]