The 29th Ordinary General Assembly of the Turkish Roads National Committee was held

roads general committee of turk national committee was held
roads general committee of turk national committee was held

The 29th Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of Yollar Turkish National Committee was held on Saturday, April 27. The General Assembly, which was held with the participation of YTMK President and General Director of Highways Abdulkadir URALOĞLU and YTMK members, started with a moment of silence. General Manager Abdulkadir URALOĞLU made a speech at the general meeting, where annual activity plans were discussed. Referring to YTMK's field of activity and its activities, URALOĞLU emphasized that YTMK has been closely following the latest scientific and technological developments in the field of theoretical and application related to the transportation sector and highway transportation infrastructure, and it is important to improve and develop transportation conditions. said he contributed.

In his speech, URALOĞLU also mentioned the Highway National Congress, which was organized for the fourth time this year with the organization of the General Directorate of Highways and the Turkish National Committee of Roads. URALOĞLU stated that the problems encountered in planning, project, financing, construction, operation, maintenance and repair of highways were addressed in the congress with various dimensions, and that research, development and new applications in the world were discussed at the congress and evaluated in an integrated approach with other infrastructure systems in the country.

Stating that the second of the National Tunneling and Underground Structures Congress will take place in Ankara on 4-5 December 2019, URALOĞLU stated that the work for the congress has started. URALOĞLU emphasized that it has been one of the leading countries in the world with the breakthroughs carried out in tunnel construction studies in recent years, and said that the total tunnel length, which was 2003 km before 50, increased by 2003 percent together with 2018 km between 413-826. URALOĞLU emphasized that the organization, which will take place under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and with the technical support of the General Directorate of Highways, will bring together the relevant stakeholders of the industry, and the latest developments, innovations and gained experiences in tunnel design and construction techniques will be shared.

Each year, the Committee awarded awards to the scientific authors who were rewarded by the Committee for supporting education and training by rewarding research and qualified work in collaboration with universities.