When the transit is carried out by rail through our country, the 3 thousand 545 kilometers will be shorter than the railway. Unfortunately, we could not use this advantage for years. Officials from the 70 billion-dollar revenue in Europe-Asia are not able to get even a share of the revenue.
BURHAN DURDU - Retired Railway Controller Letter from 81 to the authorities
Dear state officials; my country has had an endless wound and a big problem for many years. This problem is the high-speed railway line from Sincan to Arifiye. This line was decided to be done in 1976 and started to work. 85 of XnumX km between the first stage of Sincan-Çayırhan is over. The state authorities before you announced to our people once and twice with the press channel that the rest of the 75 will be started. The total distance between Ayaş and Sincan-Arifiye is 25. The second stage 260 has never been started.
The new Ankara-Haydarpaşa high-speed train railway route is 533 kilometers. If the Ankara Haydarpaşa high-speed train railway is built over Ayaş, it is said that this high-speed train railway line will decrease to 394 kilometers or 415 kilometers. If the 260-kilometer high-speed train railway between Sincan-Arifiye is built; 1 percent of the government's new Ankara-Istanbul 90 hour project will be realized. Because the high-speed train railway between Ankara-Istanbul will decrease from 533 kilometers to 394 kilometers.
The only way to recover our railways from damage is through transit cargo transportation. It is known that the shortest transportation between Europe and Asia is through our country. Experts state that there is an 70 billion-dollar revenue in Europe-Asia. Even our country cannot receive 1% of this money. It is absolutely necessary to shorten the railway transit freight routes in our country. Currently the freight carriage line between Ankara and Istanbul is 576. If you are made rail on Ayas, it will shorten the rail 160 mileage. Here I would like to express clearly; I believe that many of the high-speed train lines that will be opened today and many of the high-speed train lines that will be constructed in the future will be opened to the operation of freight trains. Because, due to the country's economic situation, high-speed train lines will need to be opened to freight trains.
Dear state officials; Between Ankara and Istanbul, over the railway train started in 1976. Since then: seven President, 12 Prime Minister, 23 Minister of Public Works and Transport has arrived and passed. Also 1976 Government has been established since 26. None of these big state officials could say that the Ayaş high-speed train would not be built and closed. The state is still paying a state-of-the-art high-speed railway. Because, between Ankara and Istanbul, according to experts, Ayaş's high-speed train railway route is the most economical and most economical investment region in the world. The new 533 km shortening is a great advantage of the new railway line of Ankara-Istanbul, which is the new 140 kilometer. At the same time, the high speed train between Ankara and Istanbul is one of the most suitable areas for passenger transportation.
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Dear state officials; Today, the European continent and the Asian continent railway freight transport is carried out through Transit Siberia. Transit transport by rail from China to Hongkong-Istanbul If you are transported through Siberia, 15 will pass a railway line of 615 kilometers long mile. If we carry the transit transit by rail, through the Transit-Asia, ie through our country, we cover the 12 thousand 70 kilometers. Despite the fact that we will be able to travel by rail through our country, while 3 thousand 545 kilometers will be shorter by rail, unfortunately we could not use this advantage for years. Officials from the 70 billion-dollar revenue in Europe-Asia are not able to get even one percent share. If we increase the transit of transit Asia by rail three percent, we will get 2,1 billion dollars, which is a one-year loss of our railway. If we move to 10, we'll get 7 a billion dollars.
In order for our railways to become efficient; the first point; the 200 on the old railways and the 500 meter radius of 6 increase the radius of the narrow curves above one thousand meters to at least one thousand meters. The second point is; is the shortening of non-border connection roads of transit freight transport railways in the country. The first leg of the Kapikule-East gate-Georgia-Armenia railway route shortens the Istanbul-Ankara and Ayaş 160 mileage. The second pillar is located between Ankara and Sivas on the Yozgat, and there is also an 160 shortening for the railway. In many similar countries, when we make abbreviations and improvements in our inland transit railways, we will increase the speed of the railway and there will be serial transportation. The transportation of cargoes between Europe and Asia with transit trucks has come to the point of obstruction at customs gates. Truck tails at customs gates are increasing day by day. Foreign states may place a quota in the short period of time. In order to make the country comfortable in transportation, it is necessary to focus on railway construction.
Dear state officials; 1 is a part of 3 and a half hours project between Ankara and Istanbul. It is written that the railway route will be started for the third foot on the bridge. The first leg of an hour and a half project between Ankara and Istanbul is the pillar between Sincan and Arifiye. If the first leg ends, the problem will be completed by 90. Ankara-Istanbul between Ayaş on the high-speed train rail to go to one and a half hours I'm sure 100. When this railway is built on Ayas, Osman Gazi Bridge, Marmaray, Eurasia Tunnel and 3. The bridge will benefit the country. I know the country's economic situation. It is known that the Chinese State has made a high speed train in the country in recent years and finished in a short time. I also believe that if the construction of high-speed high-speed railway is done with the Build-Operate-Transfer model, this railway will be completed in a short time.
My government officials; I'm a retired ferryman at 81. If I go to the other world before the completion of this high-speed train rail above my eyes goes open. My biggest desire and wish is to build this railway. Available 65. or next 66. I wish you success in your duties with the wish that this railway would be made to the government.