Transportation tradesmen in Korkuteli thanked Menderes Türel for the public transportation arrangement realized by the Antalya Metropolitan Municipality in the district with a banner. Transportation trades, both the gains and the quality of transportation increased, tı both we and the citizen are very satisfied with the new arrangement. May Allah Menderes pleased our President Allah.
The public transportation policies implemented by the Department of Transportation Planning and Rail Systems of the Metropolitan Municipality continue to gain the satisfaction of the citizens and transportation tradesmen. Within this scope, transportation cooperatives in Korkuteli were united under a single roof. The vehicles were combined in the rotation pool, a fair transportation scheme was introduced. The neighborhoods, which were organized twice a day before, were arranged every two hours. The owners of the vehicle were given a certificate of authority and their ownership rights were documented. The public transport in Korkuteli made both tradesmen and citizens happy. Korkuteli transportation tradesmen, with the Metropolitan Law in Korkuteli for nearly three years, said they were very glad to organize public transportation. The transportation tradesmen, who came together in Korkuteli Bus Station, thanked President Menderes Türel for their banners.
Türel has made the greatest service on transportation
Edi One of the biggest contributions of Menderes Türel to Korkuteli is the transportation industry ec, said Kemal Istık, Chairman of the Chamber of Drivers and Transporters of Korkuteli. Regarding different price applications, the regulation was also prevented, Istık said. This is over. Previously, there was transport from remote villages, but it was uncertain. He did not know the future of the citizen and the time to go. He was enjoying the van. But now, not every two hours, every village has cars. Citizens know what time the car will go at what time it will go, Vat he said.
We support the camera system
Antalya Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Coordination Center (UKOME), in order to improve the quality of public transport and transportation security system launched by the in-car camera system that they found very useful, indicating President Kemal Istak, kal For example, a short time ago in one of our car burglary event occurred. A lady teacher lost her wallet in the car, and when the camera system was examined, she found the person who took the wallet. Without the camera, maybe the driver would remain under suspicion. Minibus did not want to shopkeepers in advance but now almost compete to hang out immediately ord he said.
May Allah Menderes consent to the President
Bahadir Balik, one of the transporters of Korkuteli, stated that there is 5 cooperative in the district before the Metropolitan Act and everyone works in an uncertain way and said, Balık We merged under one roof. It was very nice .. About 3 are glad you are working smoothly for years. May Allah bless Menderes President Allah.
Equal and fair system came
X 20 has been carrying trades for years, there was an inconsistency that had previously been carrying passengers according to the head. As public transportation, minibuses were collected in the bus terminal and everyone's earnings merged. An equal and fair system came to everyone. Previously, our earnings were very low, but thanks to the arrival of this law, our profits have increased very well. First of all, we would like to thank Menderes Türel Chairman and Transportation Department Head Tür.