places where the important transportation projects

Yertaş Construction Requires Konkordato

Yertaş İnşaat, which was founded in 1975 and has undertaken important metro projects in Ankara and Istanbul, requested a bankruptcy since it could not collect its receivables. Dudullu-Bostancı metro construction, which started in 2016 [more…]

arifiyenin new bridge is counting gun

Arifiye's New Bridge Counts Days

Mayor Toçoğlu, who examined the bridge works built in Arifiye on site, said, “With the bridge that will serve our 5 neighborhoods, the crossings will become safe and the 13-kilometer road will be closed. [more…]

german tudemsasa partnership offer

German Partnership to TÜDEMSAŞ

It was claimed that TÜDEMSAŞ, which has made a name for itself with its production in recent years, was offered the construction of a 'shared wagon' by the German company. Some officials from the company that produces SKODA came to Sivas and [more…]