BTS's Çorlu Train Crash Report: "Half of the Staff Gone in 15 Years"

United Transport Employee's Union (BTS), Çorlu and 25 people died in a report on the train crash. In the report, it is emphasized that the flood and infrastructure deterioration occurring in railway lines in recent days, technical data are not taken into consideration even in High Speed ​​Train (HSS) lines. Çorlu, where the accident in the Sarılar location 162. kilometers in the morphological, geological, meteorological, hydrological and engineering parameters are not taken into account the disaster prepared by stating that "Facing the center of Çorlu Sarilar district 162 mines is the type of mines and 101 age is on the 162," the statement said. The report also reduced the number of personnel and the number of road guards on the grounds of reducing the cost of the road, to avoid overtime pay in the weekend for the weekend in the Sarılar district of Çiler Corlu 17 on the holiday day of the accident occurred on the pedestrian railway control was not specified. In addition, XNUMX day before the accident due to lack of funds from the accident bureaucrats who are responsible for the accident and deaths were pointed out.


In the 1945 report, 1995 was recommended to reduce the number of personnel by 50 in 2004. . In the 41 1 May 2013 has passed 6461 on the XNUMX. status of the profit-making institution.

"While 2003 35.853 in 2016 28.146 2017 17.747 in the year XNUMX XNUMX staff, while XNUMX XNUMX" is a member of the report while reducing the number of staff to technology and science should be invested in the lion's share of resources allocated to the budget allocated to YHT investments in conventional lines have been treated as a stepchild.


In the report, the number of personnel employed as pedestrian in the 9.023 kilometers was reduced to 39. pedestrian road control. Çorlu District Balabanlı Village In Sarılar district The accident occurred in 162 on the holiday day, so no railway control could be carried out on foot. Ç

TCDD 1 for repairing the line in which the accident occurred. In the report on the date of the tender on 07.06.2018 by the Department of Material Management, but no appropriation allocation order was announced that the tender was canceled on the date of the accident 18 20.06.2018 days in the report, TCDD bureaucrats who decided to cancel the tender because of the lack of funds before the accident prepared to prepare the ground for the accident.


In the report, it was noted that appointments seeking merit and knowledge were made on the basis of the support of power for the last 20 over the last year. This was particularly important in the railways where knowledge and experience were more important. TCDD's old names in the Department of Facilities and Road Department, which requires two separate engineering knowledge and accumulation of units, the "Railway Maintenance Department" unaccompanied under the name of the unlawful, engineer-named personnel, the different engineering areas to do the job of the road in this report is specified in the report. önemli In recent years, there has been an increase in occupational accidents due to violations of this type of legislation and a significant portion of these accidents result in death. In this way, it is evident that new occupational accidents will arise by the loading of the works that they do not know and which they cannot do physically. can Doing many jobs with less personnel to staff ğ has no public interest as well as jeopardizing the safety of workers. '


  • Rapid reduction of the number of TCDD personnel without technological renewal, control and supervision, privatization and subcontracting, execution of tender procedure works are the main factors of incidents and accidents. Privatization and subcontracting system should be terminated.
  • The administrative procedure for the merger of TCDD Road Department and the Department of Facilities must be canceled as soon as the decision of the judiciary is decided.
  • The unqualified appointments and temporary / proxy assignments that enable the trade union to use as a trump card in the organization cause serious unrest in the personnel and affect the productivity of the staff negatively.
  • The resources allocated from budget to TCDD should be allocated equally for investment and renewal between conventional and YHT lines.
  • To avoid accidents to natural disasters, we should take into consideration the opinions and suggestions of our union, scientists and professional chambers in order not to be helpless in the face of natural disasters. Engineering science should not be ignored.
  • Republic of Turkey Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs Directorate General of Metrology, instantaneous, hourly, daily, weekly and monthly forecasts and previous year statistics for the years to be followed by estimating data, railway and railway structures should be built and controlled according to the calculations to be made based on this data.

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