EYBİS Ticket Purchase System: Valid for high speed and Main line trains EYBIS Electronic Passenger Ticket SystemWays to follow to get ni.
Where to buy EYBIS?
There are many different ways to get EYBIS ticket system used in TCDD Transport services. You can travel by TCDD points, PTT branches or customer service via the internet. Electronic ticket Receive EYBIS ticket You have the opportunity to buy tickets easily via the internet.
How to book?
If you want to travel with TCDD, you can make a reservation beforehand. Therefore, when you want to make the reservation process by making a reservation on many points you have the pleasure of buying tickets. You have the opportunity to book tickets using the Internet services, using mobile applications, through customer service or through TCDD.
What are the types of tickets?
Another question that YHT users wonder about is the variety of tickets. Especially if you buy the ticket type which is called as open ticket early on, you can own this ticket with more affordable prices. We would like to inform you that the ticket named as open ticket is discounted% 50 and also it is not possible for the passengers to make any changes. therefore, you have to travel on the same day and hour if you buy this type of ticket.
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The ticket type, which is called flexible ticket, is also more expensive than the 20 rate compared to other ticket types. However, it is important to note that this type of ticket will be changed and also returned at the same time as 3. If you buy this ticket, you can return your ticket at any time and get your money.
How to join EYBIS system?
If you use the services provided by TCDD, we recommend you to be a member of EYBIS. We would like to explain here the steps you need to follow to become a member of this ticket system which allows you to get it easily from the electronic environment.
It is primarily located on the official website of TCDD. EMIS By entering the man Register “button you need to click here. You must fill out the membership form that will appear immediately after clicking “Sign up“ button. The information in the membership form must be filled in completely and correctly. Even the e-mail address and mobile phone number that you use the information that you have used. In this way, the tickets you receive will be sent to you in electronic environment and you will have the chance to travel with your tickets.