Double Earnings on Public Personnel Advisory Board

Double Acquisition in the Public Personnel Advisory Board: The Public Personnel Advisory Board (KPDK) meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Mehmet Müezzinoğlu, at the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Expressing the demands and suggestions of Memur-Sen at the meeting, Memur-Sen Chairman Ali Yalçın said, “We are waiting for a positive sentence on the subject of Basic Wages Group and Aviation Compensation”. Following the announcement of Yalçın, Minister of Labor and Social Security Mehmet Müezzinoğlu stated that “The issue of reducing contracted personnel wage groups from 5 to 3 in SEEs is at the decision stage”. Regarding the Aviation Compensation brought up by Yalçın, Balkan Müzezzinoğlu said, "Within 1-2 months, we will have resolved this process within the framework of the evaluations here."

Nobody Should Be at the Collective Bargaining Desk Except Authorities

Officer-Sen President Ali Yalçın said, “In the field of public servants unionism, some of the shortcomings we have mentioned for years have to be put on the agenda, both within the scope of the Law no. With it, the situations that do not correspond to the concept of “authority” regarding the subjects and organizations that will take place at the collective bargaining table must be ended. In terms of the fact that the unauthorized person is not at the table and at the negotiations, the truths applied both in universal and in workers' unionism in our country must be implemented. ”

Before the Success Assessment and Personnel Selection Workshops, 4688 Law

Referring to the dues of solidarity in his speech, Yalçın said, “The issues related to the success assessment and selection systems for the public personnel system, the authority of the will, which we have not asked for even though we have reservations, evaluating the subject at different times and channels, the subject of representation at the collective bargaining table and the solidarity dues for many years. How should we look at keeping the expectations and change demands regarding the union legislation that we have voiced away from the table and the agenda? With the constitutional amendment, we are going through a process that we are aiming to switch from double-headed executive to single-headed executive. We agree with many grounds that would justify this change, justified and reasonable, and express that we say yes to the change package. While we complain about the multi-headedness, the problems it poses, the confusion of authority, the incompatibility between the authority and the visual, even in the executive power, we have a hard time understanding how not to be disturbed in the field of unionism. In this sense, we do not want anyone who is not authorized at the collective bargaining table, who has no right, who cannot take the pen for signature, to be on the labor side. For this, we want the necessary changes to be made and the Law No. 4688 to be put on the table as soon as possible, and to create a picture of a collective bargaining table compatible with both the mentality of the new period and the universal principles of unionism. We need to get rid of the method of authorization by law, which is not authorized by the public officials, and the guardianship view towards the authorized confederations and unions. At the collective bargaining table, no one other than the authorized confederation and the authorized union should be included in the Delegation of Public Servants Unions. Turkey removes tutelage over politics, trade unionism must also remove the tutelage over labor. The Public Servants' Trade Unions Law No. 4688 should be amended within a short time in this framework. ”Kpdk1 The Application of Solidarity Fee Eliminates Unfairness to Unions and Members

Yalçın continued his words as follows: “Another issue that needs to be opened for discussion in the Public Personnel Advisory Board is that everyone enjoys collective bargaining agreements, which undermines the law, labor and efforts of the authorized unions and members.

Confederations and unions produce awareness and public support with the financial support provided by the members' will and dues. They carry out the works, pressures and productions required by the authority, using the same resources. However, when it comes to not taking advantage of collective bargaining, there is no difference between being a member of an authorized union or being a member of unauthorized unions or even being a union member. Everyone benefits from collective bargaining. However, in trade unionism, the situation is different. The union, which has its signature, has the right and authority to receive solidarity dues for non-members to benefit from collective bargaining. Only members of the authorized union have the right to benefit from collective bargaining without paying solidarity dues. Others can benefit from the collective agreement by paying solidarity dues without the consent of the authorized union. In the public officials unionism, everyone put on the field with an equality sauce can benefit from collective bargaining. In our opinion, this is not equality, but injustice. It is unfair to the labor union of the authorized union, who publicly determines the authorized union by the will, and who sweats for its members. In this respect, Turkey, the difference between working with public officials unionism unionism is obliged to resolve the injustice done to the official trade unions and members. It should implement the amendment in the Law No. 4688 that will ensure the application of solidarity fees. "

Innocents should be returned to duty

"Turkey, on July 15 to get rid of the effects of Feton terrorists attempted coup is taking different steps in all mediums," said Yalcin, "Verily, the most space acquirer part of the public agenda, which is for the public personnel system. KHKs, work and procedures for the liquidation of FETÖ from the public, as known. We, as the authorized confederation, want that there is no one in the public personnel system who has contact with betrayal. We do not find it right that the people who end the betrayal and the hands that support and support the betrayal provide public services. However, at this point, we say from the beginning that we should be sensitive to the fact that the FETO liquidation does not turn into a mill of dismissals and innocents from the public. Regardless of the reason, we want the work and procedures regarding the return of innocent people who are seen / shown to be in the cult of betrayal, and to be sensitive about zero defect so that no innocent is included in these dismissal lists. The members of the OHAL Transactions Review Commission, which was established for the works and procedures for the detection and return of innocent and oppressed people, are still unknown. The Board has not yet reached the point of receiving applications, identifying innocent people with their activities, returning to duty, and establishing transactions in line with the expectations of the public conscience. ”

The competent confederation should be represented either as a member or as an observer in the Commission on the Investigation of the Emergency Operations

Yalçın continued his words as follows: “The members of the Board must be determined as soon as possible. Members of this Board must be recruited from the Competent Confederation, at least, it must be ensured that they are present as observers. The Competent Confederation should definitely take part in this process as an arbitrator, as the dominant factor in the knowledge of the field, for the purpose of zero error in detecting innocents. Turkey, betraying the innocent with the liquidation of the accumulation of tasks returned to perform at the same time it takes to ownership and enforcement capacity should reveal the common mind on this ground. Although the fourth term collective agreement process has been less than 5 months left, some of the provisions signed in the Third Term Collective Agreement have been resolved, but despite the meetings and negotiations held at the State Personnel Directorate under the MoLSS audit regarding the bases of these provisions, they have not resolved in favor of public officials. seeing makes us worry about the public employer's approach to the issue. Regarding the provisions to be worked on in the Collective Agreement, we ask our Minister of Labor and Social Security to take a historical responsibility in warning that the relevant ministries, institutions and organizations, that the collective agreement is a constitutional right and the collective agreement is a binding legal text. ”

Regarding Job Security, Yalçın said, “We repeat that the distinction between public officials and workers is clear, and that a precise, inelastic and non-deformable job security perspective for public officials is presented. The job security of public officials is not just their assurance and protection. This assurance is a guarantee of quality, continuity, effectiveness and efficiency based on spending public resources correctly. In addition, we expect the adoption of the regulation of working life in Turkey, which will put an end to contract labor constitute inhuman side we express, "he said.

Yalçın continued his words as follows: “Changes in exchange rates, changes in commodity prices, especially in daily life, oil prices that directly affect the production line caused negative changes in the current financial rights of public officials, salaries and wages, purchasing powers. In this framework, we need to take the necessary measures together so that public officials will not be adversely affected by this process until August 2017, when the fourth period collective agreement, in which we will determine the financial and social rights of public officials together and bargain. Likewise, in the fourth term collective agreement, preparations and resource determinations must be made so that the share to be transferred to the public officials from the budget is already higher than the medium term financial plan. ”

28 March 2017 Date KPDK Meeting Topics

"3. Yalçın, who was convicted in the Term Collective Agreement, was organized as a right of employee as well as the right to benefit as a result of the intense efforts and efforts of Memur-Sen, and the shift was set according to the Friday prayer, not overtime. The memorandum of the collective agreement regarding the transfer of annual leave of the personnel employed in personnel positions, which they cannot use during the year, to the next year was accepted at the General Assembly of Parliament, thanks to the fact that Memur-Sen made actual and intellectual follow-up through different platforms. The annual leaves of the contracted personnel in the Public Economic Enterprises can now be transferred to the next year. The issue of paying salaries to pensioners, which Memur-Sen included among the collective agreement offers, brought to the agenda at the Public Personnel Advisory Board meetings, and followed the actual and intellectual follow-up through different platforms, resulted in the gain. From the collective agreement proposals of Memur-Sen to KPDK meetings, the victimization of our retirees, who worked for more than thirty years and who received retirement bonuses over thirty years, was eliminated, and the regulation for the retirement bonuses of the pensioners over the working time was accepted at the General Assembly. The civil disobedience will initiated by Memur-Sen will produce the most meaningful achievement, and with the amendment made in the Turkish Armed Forces Clothing Regulation, women officers and military officers from the Turkish Armed Forces can wear a headscarf if they wish. However, some of the issues that have been signed in the Collective Agreement and the works that need to be terminated until a certain date have been brought to the agenda of KPDK and evaluated, still have not been resolved. When these issues are resolved, our proposals, which will contribute to the functioning of the public personnel system, will increase the quality of the service and the motivation of the most needed public servants today.

In this context; The cadre expectations of public officials employed within the scope of 4 / B, 4 / C and our proposals regarding this are still not met. Our colleagues working in these statuses deserve to meet with the position of civil servants and staff who enable them to move up to higher positions within the public personnel system on the grounds of career and merit, and benefit from the opportunities for relocation. In this framework, it is very important to prepare and put into effect the legal regulation for the association of all contracted and temporary personnel in the public personnel system with the staff, and putting the public workers who perform the same tasks as the public officials into the staff. ”

Assignment of Public Employees and Temporary Staff of Some Workers to Contractual Status

Stating that it is time for the public employer to come up with a clear approach to putting 19 thousand 4 / C staff and civil servants who do not have more than 5 thousand employees to the staff, Yalçın said, “Because this has turned into a signature both from the word of mouth and from the pen. It is the duty of being subject to collective bargaining. In this context, the midwife / nurse, deputy imam, honorary Qur'an course instructors and those who work in exchange for tuition fees, professional staff who work at the Ministry of Family and Social Policies with additional tuition fees, non-public family health. The arrangement should be made immediately, including the involvement of employees, master trainers working in different ministries, and those in similar situations. ”

Basic Wage Groups of Contracted Personnel Working in SEEs

Yalçın continued his words as follows: “In the Collective Agreement; The work planned for the reorganization of the basic wage groups for contracted personnel positions working under the Decree-Law No. 399 in SEEs will be completed by 31.01.2016, the work planned to be carried out has been completed and sent to the Ministry of Development to be converted, but it takes a long time to pass. although no result has been achieved. In a sense, the requirement of the collective agreement has still not been fulfilled. In this framework, the result should be urgently produced.

Publication of the Decision on Aviation Compensation

The finalization of the works to increase the aviation compensation paid in accordance with the additional article 399 of Decree Law no. As per the additional article 2 of Decree Law no. 2010, the implementation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which includes the payment of additional aviation indemnity and the payment of additional aviation indemnity within this scope, shall be implemented immediately.

Extending Actual Service Hike Coverage

In order to determine the public servants to be included in the scope of the actual service hike (attrition compensation) and to determine the periods related to these, the works of the Commission were concluded as soon as possible and health workers, fire brigade personnel working in municipalities and municipal police personnel. In order to meet the expectations of the public servants regarding the actual service increase within the scope of the works to be carried out especially in the positions of staff and titles, it is necessary to implement the regulation as soon as possible in line with our suggestions and proposals.

Accompanying Permit

In order to eliminate the problems related to the use of escort, it is necessary to conclude the problem urgently by the relevant Ministries by taking into consideration the studies carried out at the State Personnel Presidency, which is attended by many parties, and if the law is in question, the studies made to the Prime Ministry should be presented.

Legal Status of Civil Servants

In this process, where the tutelage is destroyed and the politics become civilized, the regulations regarding the legal status and rights of civil servants in the Ministry of National Defense, Turkish Armed Forces and General Directorate should be finalized as soon as possible by taking the decisions taken at the meeting of the State Personnel Presidency.

Troubleshoot Additional Payments

According to the provisions of the Collective Bargaining entered into force on 01.01.2016, Income Tax should not be deducted from the additional payment received by the personnel with 4 / C, and vice versa. On the other hand, the payment of the additional payments deserved by the Court's decision is a requirement of the rule of law. In this respect, it is essential that the court decisions be applied and the grievances that have occurred so far are eliminated immediately.

Evaluation of the time spent in the civil service

The studies on the evaluation of the periods in the civil service should be concluded before the end of the year.

Removal of the Border in the Ranks and Degrees of Public Officials

In order to ensure that public officials have access to the highest cadre and rank they can reach, the requirement of the collective bargaining clause provided by Law No. 657 should be fulfilled immediately without any amendment of the law. The implementation and administrative work and transactions should be repealed.

Resolving Problems Regarding Revolving Funds

Necessary arrangements should be concluded immediately in order to reflect the revolving funds taken by the health workers to the retirement and not to deduct Income Tax from the revolving fund.

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