- The World High Speed Railway Congress will take place in Ankara: The 10th of UIC's World High Speed Railway Congress will be held at Ankara ATO Congresium on 11-14 July 2017.
10 will be held at Ankara ATO Congresium at 11-14 July 2017 hosted by TCDD.
Within the scope of in UIC HIGH SPEED 2017 ve congress with the theme EK Sharing information for sustainable and competitive enterprises ”; trade, economic and social issues related to many sessions and round tables and the latest developments in railway systems will be exhibited in the trade fair.
The participants of the Congress, which brings together decision-makers and key actors responsible for preparing railways of today and tomorrow; railways, railway suppliers, research institutes, universities, international organizations and financial institutions.
More than 15 billion people traveled around the world with high-speed trains ada
In the world where nearly a thousand 24 high-speed rail lines are operated, more than 15 billion people, which is twice the world's population, travels with high speed trains.
This number is expected to double in the coming 20 year.
high-speed trains in Turkey ...
In the 2009 YHT operations in Turkey passed to the Ankara-Eskisehir line; 2011 in Ankara-Konya, 2013 in Eskisehir-Konya, 2014 in Ankara-Eskisehir-Istanbul and Konya-Istanbul between the YHT flights began.
Currently, the construction of YHT lines between Ankara-Izmir, Ankara-Sivas and Bursa-Bilecik continues.
UIC Highspeed 2017 website