Railway network notification approved

Railway network notification has been approved: Arslan, as a subsidiary of TCDD, is a subsidiary of TCDD (Turkish State Railways). in addition to the establishment of the private sector railway train operation is also provided.

Arslan stated that the private railway infrastructure management was promoted and that the first network notification prepared by TCDD as the infrastructure operator on the national railway network in the liberalized rail sector covered the 1 January-10 December 2017 period.

Ahmet Arslan, Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, said that the network notification on the railway infrastructure network, access conditions, applications, capacity allocation processes and services rendered by the Turkish State Railways (TCDD) has been approved by the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, and will be published today. and the general conditions and conditions regarding the use of railway infrastructure, the requirements to be taken into consideration during the capacity allocation process, the railway infrastructure and services rendered, the infrastructure access fees and the services provided by TCDD. said.


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