TCDD 3 District Manager Koçbay Noise Curtains Construction Founded

TCDD 3 Zone Manager Koçbay Noise Curtains Construction Investigations Founded: TCDD 3 Regional Director Selim Koçbay, Cigli and Alsancak found the construction of noise curtains.
780m for Alsancak, 1402m for Naldöken, 1634m for Çiğli, and noise measurements of the citizens in the Hilal-Bandırma line. and 928m for Menemen. Total 4744m. length; noise curtains to be mounted on the rail side using aluminum and transparent panels were examined on site.


  1. I am sitting between Alsancak and Hilal, on the side of the railway. We would like to thank TCDD for its work on voice pitch.
    However, these curtains alone do not prevent noise. In certain parts of the rails the sounds of heavy bumps are passing through the train. I hope these voices will be cut when the rails are maintained.

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