The popularity of the bus journey does not end

The popularity of the bus journey never ends: Bus Terminal Manager Ömer Lütfi Ersöz made important statements to the country.
Ersöz said that the popularity of Konya Bus Station and bus transportation will continue even if high speed train flights and aircraft flights are increased. "We will make arrangements in the provincial districts," he added. "Traveling by bus is comfortable and safe."
- Do they have pirate drivers in schools?
There is absolutely no bus station and bus station and their connection points. In the terminal, we work together with our employees and traffic policemen.
- How do we know a driver is not a pirate?
All of the bus station drivers are D1 documents. Those who do not have these documents are pirate drivers.
- What is the D1 certificate?
It is an official document given to the intercity buses and vehicles provided by the Ministry of Transport and Maritime. These vehicles have the right to go regularly. In 2002, transportation was managed by a 2-page regulation. In 2003, a road transport law and transportation were separated. In other words, the bus is named separately, and the truck transportation is named in a separate category.
How much buses are available in the D1 and D2 capacities?
D1 and D2 capacity in the country according to the data announced by the ministry 28 thousand buses.
-Was the old popularity of bus transport lost?
It is still a valid means of transportation. 'Why?' If you ask, daily direct transportation is carried out to 81 provinces of 76 provinces over Konya. More than 200 districts are organized from Konya. We carry 40 thousand passengers daily and 65 thousand passengers during peak periods. Before the high-speed train arrived in 2011, an average of 4500 passengers a day used buses between Ankara and Konya. Even if the high-speed train spreads to 81 provinces, the bus is irreplaceable because we provide transportation to our districts in this way.
- Do you find the ticket prices reasonable?
Our companies consider the free market economy in determining prices. That is, company A is able to get a higher amount of company B while 25 is the price of TL. There is a certain lower limit but no upper limit. This application was made to prevent competition.
- Is the lower limit application only available in Konya?
No, it is implemented all over Turkey. This application was made to prevent competition. As an example, 250 göre 300 km can not be below 25 TL, our firm makes a price determination accordingly.
- How many companies are currently at the bus station? How many of them are foreign?
We have about 110 companies that organize daily voyages. While the main trips are usually organized by Konyalı companies, especially foreign companies coming from Southeast and East took their place at the bus terminal.
- Is there any company that can't come to Konya or want to come?
We do not say to all the companies that want to come to those who want to come open.
-Mostly from which province we are going to Konya, can you tell a clear figure?
There are mostly flights from Konya to our central cities such as Istanbul, Izmir and Ankara. People from Konya usually go to 81 provinces. They come to Konya mostly from East and Southeast.
- How is security provided in schools? How safe is it to travel by bus?
Of course, traveling by bus is comfortable and safe. We also provide internet service to avoid getting bored on the journey. There are all kinds of treats. The only issue that bus drivers are uncomfortable with is the fuel issue. Fuels on airplanes and ships are provided without SCT and VAT. It is under follow by highways. As for the bus station security, x ray devices will be brought in the coming days. Our police are taking the necessary measures in this regard. We also do not receive packages that are not accompanied by passengers. This situation was banned 4 years ago. If it is taken, a penalty system is applied.
- How much for a bus purchase?
The purchase price of a bus is 400 thousand Euro.
- Does the bus affect city traffic?
Our municipality has arranged the routes for the buses. In this context, we do not affect city traffic. Even the buses at the same time do not cause any confusion.
-Otogas are the showcase of the city.
Apart from the ones selling souvenirs and Mevlana candy, booklets describing our city are distributed to the citizens going to other provinces from Konya via the governorship. It is distributed not only for publicity but also for cultural purposes. We also opened a large mosque.
- Is Oogogar capable of removing the population density of Konya?
We use our existing opportunities in the best way. If necessary, our municipality will carry out effective works.
- Is there a study on behalf of Konya districts?
3 years ago, we have detected the situation in bad condition. Every day we detect and make the missing.
- What's the difference between the old garage terminal and the Konya terminal?
There are more districts than the old garage. Intercity can be reached from there, but it can put traffic in trouble.
-What do you say about the bus accidents?
At the exit point, we cooperate with traffic policemen and municipal employees. In terms of accidents, our traffic police are already conducting road inspections. Our companies also scrutinize when choosing a driver. This reduces the accident rate.
- Is there individual seat insurance?
We have seat insurance. After the accident, all hospital expenses up to 60 thousand pounds are covered. In addition, the same seat is not sold for a second time. In such cases, they are compensated.

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