Ropeway meeting at COMU

Ropeway meeting at ÇOMU: The meeting for the Teleferic Project, which is planned to be solved for the transportation problem at the Terzioğlu Campus of Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University (ÇOMÜ), was held at the Senate Hall of the Rectorate.

Rector of the meeting. Dr. Yücel Acer, Vice Rectors, Dr. Metehan Uzun, Professor Dr. Ahmet Erdem, Professor Dr. Prof. Dr. Mirza Tokpunar, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design Dr. Abdullah Kelkit, Dean of the Faculty of Communication Dr. Prof. Dr. İsmail Tarhan, Faculty of Communication, Assoc. Dr. Hülya Önal, Assistant Secretary General Ayhan Monus, Kenan Yücel, Head of Construction Department Sinan Karabulgu and Project Office employees attended the meeting.

Rector Dr. Yücel Acer has been working on the transportation project with the developed ropeway system for the transportation problem on campus and said:

Esi As you know, one of the important projects at the university is the establishment of a transportation system with the ropeway system in the sense that it can be solved in the form of transportation. We have been working on this project for a long time. Our aim was to investigate the feasibility of this project and to determine what its quality and cost would be.

Our research and studies on the feasibility of the project showed us that such a transport system is appropriate or even necessary for our campus. Experts doing this work on the campus can be installed in the alternative rail system, but the ropeway system can be done. This system was designed in accordance with the conditions of Çanakkale and our campus. It was planned as a system that did not go too high, based on the existing structural characteristics of our campus and provided access to the highest point. The figures for the project show the feasibility of the ropeway system. We made a report on the nature and cost of the project and supported the project by means of a simulation film in order to revitalize the system. This film shows us exactly what the system is going to be, where it will end, where it will end, and what the properties of the stations that are planned to be built with this system. After that the business falls on us as management. We need to make this clear. Anlaşıl

Rector Dr. After Yucel Acer's explanation, he worked as Assoc. Dr. Hülya Önal's camera, camera and fiction. See. In the preparation of the animations, Gökhan Akça watched the Teleferik Project Movie, which included Çağlar Doğru, and exchanged ideas about the project.