TCDD general directorate status is published

TCDD main directorate general status was published: Turkey State Railways (TCDD) General Directorate of Property master status in June 4 2016 29732 numbered, dated and published in the official gazette came into force. Click for Entities, Subsidiaries, Affiliates.
The Republic of Turkey State Railways (TCDD) General Directorate of Property Main Constitution was published. The purpose of this Main Statute; The Republic of Turkey State Railways General Directorate under the name constitutes owned state-owned enterprise of legal status, activity areas and tasks, bodies and organizational structure of the institution, its subsidiaries, the company and its subsidiaries with the relationship between them, liquidation, supervision, and provisions relating to financial and personnel and other related matters.
The main statute 24 2013 and 6461 April Liberalization of Railway Transport of Turkey No. dated June 8 1984 233 and numbered by the Law on Public Enterprises has been prepared based on the provisions of the Decree Law.
Legal Status, Field of Activity and Duties of TCDD: TCDD, which is constituted by this Main Statute; is an economic state entity with a legal personality, autonomous in its activities and limited by its capital. TCDD; The law is subject to the provisions of the private law without prejudice to the provisions of the Decree and this Statute. TCDD, 10 2003 dated 5018, Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 8 and 1983 are not subject to the provisions of 2886 dated 2 and State Procurement Law numbered 1987. The Fund dated April 3346 3 and 2010 6085 No. Public Enterprises Turkey United Nations dated December XNUMX XNUMX the Law on the Supervision of Arrangement is subject to the Court of Accounts audit No. Assembly within the framework of the Law Court.
TCDD's headquarters is in Ankara. The headquarters of the TCDD can be changed by the YPK Decision. The capital of TCDD is 49.600.000.000,00-TL. and all belong to the State. Capital of TCDD can be changed with the decision of YPK upon the proposal of the Ministry. The Ministry to which TCDD is concerned is the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications.
Scope of activity and duties, organs of TCDD, establishment of TCDD Board of Directors, qualifications and terms of office of TCDD Board of Directors, duties and authorities of TCDD Board of Directors, collection of TCDD Board of Directors, General Directorate, General Director of TCDD, duties and authorities of TCDD General Manager, TCDD Assistant General Managers, Establishments and Subsidiaries, Establishments and Qualifications of Establishments, Provisions to be applied to Subsidiaries, Provisions to be applied to Subsidiaries, Financial Provisions, Liquidation and Audit, Financing of TCDD investments, Railroad and highway intersections, Transfer provisions, Support of TCDD, You can reach to the main Statute with full details such as the support of TCDD Taşımacılık A.Ş.
Provisions related to personnel: TCDD, forms of employment of the institution and subsidiary personnel, appointment, dismissal, obligations and responsibilities, staff determination, wages, premiums, bonuses, sending abroad, prohibition of political activity, distribution of proxy fee, board member, auditor and The provisions of the relevant legislation shall apply to the remuneration and rights of the members of the liquidation committee.
Repealed master status: October 28 1984 18559 dated and numbered Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey General Directorate of State Railways Administration main statute is repealed. CLICK for all.