Transfer Torture at Red Crescent Metro in Ankara

Transfer Torture in the Red Crescent Metro in Ankara: Transportation has become very difficult for citizens using the metro in Ankara. Due to the construction of the Red Crescent Keçiören subway, a bus transfer was made to Akköprü and AKM metro stations. Thus, one stop was made in 1 hour.

Torture is almost experienced in the subway journey in Ankara. Passengers who want to go to Kızılay from Batıkent direction are downloaded from the metro in Akköprü and take the buses that are ready at the metro station. Passengers brought to Ataturk Cultural Center station by buses get off the bus and get on the metro again.

Thousands of passengers who come to Atatürk Cultural Center by transfer via the Red Crescent Batıkent subway do not fit in the metro. For this reason, there is a big congestion and many citizens are in danger of crushing. Between Akköprü and Atatürk Cultural Center, which normally takes about 3 minutes, people pass in one hour due to the transfer. The reason for this transfer is due to the construction of the Kızılay-Keçiören metro. The metro service, which has been disrupted by the construction of the new line, has become an ordeal for the citizens of Ankara.

Many citizens, especially seniors, are in danger of being crushed because of the high altitude of the metro.

Especially for citizens who want to go to Kızılay by getting on the Sincan-Fatih subway, this situation has become even more intolerable. Because the citizens who take the metro at any stop on the Fatih side, transfer at the Batıkent stop and get on the metro again. Citizens who came to Akköprü with that subway transfer their buses this time and they are again transferred to the subway at the Atatürk Cultural Center metro stop. The citizen, who can finally reach Kızılay, reaches Kızılay in almost 3 times more time than he normally should.

Likewise, citizens who want to go from Kızılay to Batıkent are also transferred to the subway in Akköprü by transferring buses at the Atatürk Cultural Center metro stop. Thus, citizens who can reach Kızılay from Eryaman in about 1 hour by metro can reach Kızılay in 3 hours only. This suffering of citizens living in Ankara since April 16, 2016 will last until June 19, 2016.

The announcement made on the subway stations was the following statement;

In order for the Keçiören (M4) subway to be opened at the scheduled time, connection studies will be carried out between the Keçiören subway and the Batıkent subway by the Ministry of Transport. For this reason, Batıkent Metro will run from Araköprü station between 16 April and 19 June. Our passengers will be transported from Akköprü station to the AKM metro station free of charge and will continue from AKM to Kızılay Koru by metro. Likewise, our passengers coming from Koru-Kızılay by subway will be transported to the Akköprü station by bus from AKM station free of charge and will continue their journey from Akköprü station to the direction of Batıkent Sincan.

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