They survey women for private wagons

They survey women for private wagons: the first step was taken to allocate private wagons to women in the metro and trams in Megakent. AKP Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality has started to conduct surveys at metro and tram stops related to the out-of-date application.

Megakentin traffic to the head of the hair. Nevertheless, the authorities left power. 'Do a wagon for women?' she started the study. The question of the satisfaction survey conducted by the Istanbul and Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality in the metro and tram stops of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality provided a question in the form of tarafından Do you want to be a private wagon for women in metro and trams in Istanbul like Germany, Japan and Singapore? AKP took. The question of the scandal caused the women's reaction.


Reacting to the survey, Istanbul Bar Association member of the Board of Directors Responsible for Women and Children Rights Aydeniz Alisbah Tuskan said they would make necessary legal initiatives on the issue. Stating that the infrastructure of the separate wagon application has been prepared, Tuskan said, ın This application is designed to be used by TCK's 122. in the scope of the crime of discrimination. According to the law, it is forbidden to perform the sex-making service. Ayrım Sonlandır We want a pink tram ası campaign launched by the Saadet Party in Kayseri last year was terminated upon criticism. Women's reactions in social media "We will not ride, you will learn to be human" expressed the slogan.



  1. If there is such a request from the ladies or if you are willing to travel in the "lady wagon", it should be applied. Democracy is the demand of the society. Those who oppose such a wagon should not let their wives into the bau-yan wagon. The ultra-leftist apoist reactionary bigot NGOs that seem so-called enlightened should not make their crack voices already. let them come with you.

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