Signalization failure in İZBAN

IZBAN signalization failure: Izmir Suburban System (IZBAN) signaling due to a failure on Sunday, the service is performed with a delay of three minutes. A card from Germany is expected to remedy the fault.

Due to the malfunction in the signaling system of İZBAN, which operates on the Aliağa-Cumaovası line, the trips are delayed for three minutes due to the malfunction on Sunday. TCDD 3rd Regional Manager Murat Bakır said that they ordered a card from Germany to Siemens company to fix the fault, and that the problem would be solved once the card came and installed. Bakır said, “There have been a few cancellations, our flights continue with 1-3 minutes delays. The card will come in a few days ”.


  1. Such malfunctions once again prove to us how important domestic production is. The fact that we are sentenced for a simple signaling control card shows that there are more steps to be taken on the railways.

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