38 Kayseri

The Eye of the World was in Erciyes

The eyes of the world were on Erciyes: The champions of the FIS Snowboard World Cup 2016 Parallel Giant Slalom season were determined in Erciyes. Culture and Tourism organized the championship held with the participation of 18 athletes from 85 countries. [more…]

34 Istanbul

Huge crowds at Uzunçayır metrobus stop

Huge crowd at Uzunçayır metrobus stop: The Uzunçayır stop of the Metrobus was at a level where a needle would not fall to the ground in the morning. Istanbulites leaving their homes in the morning to go to work and school, Uzunçayır [more…]

35 Izmir

90 minutes system will go to the judiciary

They will go to court for the 90-minute system: The transportation fee of the 90 settlements that Izmir Metropolitan Municipality removed from the 4-minute system increased by 100 percent. Kocaoğlu said, “There is victimization, but there is a [more…]

35 Izmir

TOKI residents' transfer revolt

Transfer rebellion of TOKİ residents: Citizens living in TOKİ Yazıbaşı residences protested against Izmir Metropolitan Municipality to express the grievances they experienced after the change of the transfer system. About 3 [more…]

20 Denizli

Denizli Teleferik will work in the evenings

Denizli Cable Car Will Also Operate in the Evenings: The duration of Denizli Metropolitan Municipality's cable car services to Bağbaşı Plateau has been extended. The new practice will be implemented as of March 1. Denizli Metropolitan Municipality last year [more…]


Trees disassembled from Tram Line

Trees Removed from the Tram Line in Kocaeli Are Being Rehabilitated: Trees removed due to the Tramway construction in Kocaeli are being rehabilitated to be planted again. Transportation of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality [more…]

No photo
1 America

The First Metro Line Founded in Honolulu

The foundation of the first metro line was laid in Honolulu: The foundation of the city's first metro line was laid with a ceremony in Honolulu, the capital of the Hawaiian Islands of America. The foundation stone was held on February 25 [more…]


The best learning and telling the EU will win

The Ministry of National Education will be holding the second "I'm Learning About the EU" themed information event for high school students in 21 provinces this year, and the second "I'm Learning About the EU" themed information event for middle and high school students in 81 provinces [more…]

49 Germany

Munich Tram Network Grows

Munich Tram Network is Growing: The foundation of the line to be built to expand the tram network of Munich, Germany was laid on February 26. Mayor Dieter Reiter, MVG Chairman Herbert [more…]

43 Austria

A New Tram Line Opens in Linz, Austria

A New Tram Line was Opened in Linz, Austria: The tram line built within the scope of the StadtRegio-Tram project in Linz, Austria, was opened with a ceremony. The line, which opened on February 25, completed the first part of the project. [more…]

45 Manisa

Gospel of Manisa

Good news for the cable car in Manisa: The construction of the cable car project in Manisa, which has been dreamed of for years, starts in the first week of April. Tekinalp Group of Companies, which won the tender, is the cable car company, Austrian Doppelmayr company. [more…]