Japanese railways are building a turtle tunnel

Japanese railways are building a turtle tunnel: one of the most reliable countries in the world, Japan is now even safer for our cute friends turtles! Japan Railways can go without the danger of life and build tunnels, allowing the turtles to continue on their way.

Japanese railway companies have recently found a great way for turtles to pass safely through the train tracks. He's building a turtle tunnel that runs under the tracks.

As they pass through the rails, the turtles can be crushed by the trains, or they can be caught on the rails by causing delays. These tunnels solve the problems of both humans and turtles.

Unfortunately, this beautiful thought is intended to lead to the beach of Sema Aqualife, akvarum beach in Kobe. Transportation to this park is usually provided by train. Because of the park's proximity to the ocean, many turtles are trapped on the train tracks every year.



  1. This news is NO extraordinary, the reverse is the most normal thing. Pay attention, if you research, you will see that there are culverts for animals to pass under the new roads and lines built all over Europe. In regions where animals such as frogs, turtles etc. are abundant (eg: ALP mountains), the obstacle is always placed on the roadside when the median season comes, and it is removed after the breeding season. In one of them, eg: We have sent articles with multiple signatures by showing and adding examples to Turkish Highways. Immediately, the defense letter came: we already have an obligation to do so by law and they do (! ??!). We organized walks with friends on weekends and walked on various places (highway, town-country road, highway, etc.) for kilometers, but for kilometers by hand with cameras. We could not find even one of the animal passage vents for the drug, which is stated to have been placed in the AMA. Currently, a double lane / double road is being built below. Wastewater and rain water vents were placed. We are in follow-up, BUT, not even one animal vent was put in order to be a medicine. Who is liar? Who is in whose service? Who is accountable to whom? Who is protesting?…? Who to whom, dum duma. The pain is with OUR TAX COINS!

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