Malatians Satisfied with the Wi-Fi Application in the Trambuses: Malatya Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Inc. launched a free internet application launched by the Trambuses as a result of the cooperation with Türk Telekom and Metropolitan Municipality Information Processing Center.
The internet connection, which is used intensively by the passengers, will be started on some buses in the coming days and Malatya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Transportation A.Ş. General Manager Anwar Sadat Tamgacı, yüksel In line with the instructions of our Mayor Ahmet Çakır, we continue to innovate by increasing the service quality of our customers a little more each day. In this context, we observed the satisfaction of our people in the implementation of the Wİ-Fİ, which we initiated in coordination with the Metropolitan Municipality Information Processing Department. We've detected intense use. In the month of April, we started 3 with a monthly average of 52 GB. Now, Internet has become a necessity rather than a game and entertainment tool. It appears that; internet is used in every aspect of daily life. Considering all this, we are planning to start the free internet service we started in the Trambus in our bus business. Bütün
In the project carried out by Malatya Metropolitan Municipality Data Processing Department, a total of 3 thousand people benefited in the 100 monthly period. 47 thousand 300 people received Wi-Fi service in the system which works with solar panels without any infrastructure and 3 thousand people have benefited from 52 month in Trambuses.
Students who use the Tambus line intensively, stated that they are both traveling and enjoying the internet, and that they are able to access information about their lessons on the internet during the journey, and that they can communicate with their friends. Passengers say that they thank the Metropolitan Municipality for having the privilege of traveling in such an environment.
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