Touring Europe is not a dream that will cost thousands of liras. Interrail offers a cheap and enjoyable journey where you can travel to 30 European countries by train. How about a trip that will give you great experience while universities are closed?
Interrail is a show-pass ticket type that is used by European Railways to provide economic transportation to all ages. With the same ticket, at the desired location and time, allows the desired train riding. Thanks to InterRail, you can visit almost every city you want with modern trains. If you want, you can buy a 'Country Pass' ticket and travel from one European country to the other. Or you can tour all of Europe from France to Italy for a month with the 'Global Pass' ticket. Your choice is yours, but before you leave, the Interrail travel consultant Derya Salgar has some suggestions:
Make a flexible program
Young people can determine entry and exit points when planning their Interrail trip. However, I do not recommend students to do a very detailed program. Because InterRail is a very flexible travel experience that can be improvised especially during the trip. In fact, this is what makes Interrail pleasant.
Do not forget the obstacle in Greece
A round trip should be made by plane. Greece has stopped all international flights for the last 4-5 years. Interrailers usually travel from Italy to Amsterdam and then from Eastern Europe to Budapest, Prague or Vienna.
You can get tickets from TCDD
InterRail tickets Republic of Turkey State Railways (TCDD) can be purchased from the office. Tickets will facilitate the process of obtaining a visa from Turkey.
Which type of ticket should be purchased?
The content is all the same, but the 'Global Pass' has a different duration of 5. Combined with airline tickets, 22 is the more preferred day-to-day ticket for flexible use.
Think again for travel to England
All European countries can be recommended on Interrail. Only England is not included in the Schengen visa, so a visa is required and the country is very expensive. For this reason, it is not preferred by students. Especially Italy, France and Spain are the favorite of young people. Oh, don't lose the ticket, protect your Interrail ticket well. Because if it is lost, there is no compensation, you have to buy a new one.
There are different options for tickets Interrail has two types of tickets: 'One Country Pass' and 'Global Pass'. While you can travel within only one country with a 'One Country Pass' ticket, you can travel in 5 European countries in 30 different periods with the 'Global Pass'.
According to the frequency of use in the Global Pass, tickets are listed as follows:
- 10 travel day in 5 days
- 22 travel day in 10 days
- Seamless 15 days
- Seamless 22 days
- A seamless moon
One of the most preferred tickets among students is N 22 travel day in 10 days Öğ. The price of this ticket is in the 2 class 25. If you want to travel in 840, you need to pay 1 TL. This price does not include travel insurance and other external charges. Prices are the same all over Europe.
Hear this advice
Award-winning travel blogger Kerimcan Akduman, made Interrrail in university. Today he travels, writes, publishes and publishes in many countries around the world. Here Akduman's preparation process and suggestions for the journey will not be excluded:
Investigate and be disciplined on the way
The first and most important preparation, read. Investigate the country's history, culture, habits and current status. Collect information about cities. This way you can create your route.
Choose light and comfortable shoes, easy-to-wear clothes that can withstand walking. Interrail You must be disciplined only to give the right of the ticket to the experiences where man can feel free.
Largest expense accommodation
You can use camping areas for cheap accommodation. However, this tent brings extra loads such as a sleeping bag. The last thing you'll want is a backpack that gets heavy in every step. One alternative is the cheap hostels. You can meet many travelers around here. The dorm rooms are also suitable for those who will be on their way in the summer. Crowd travelers can keep a home from 'Airbnb'. This is both cheap and reliable. Those who can sleep anywhere can save time by using the train at night.
Reduce the cost of meals
Get tips from travelers and local students for nutrition. Student cafeterias are lifesavers. If you find a kitchen, you can prepare your meal for a reasonable price.
For snacks, discard the 1-2 fruit in the bag. This is something that travelers often practice. Canned foods can save lives. If you say, de I can taste local flavors but not my budget ama, street food is the right choice. Bottle waters in Europe are expensive. Therefore, it is very useful to have a thermos and water bottle.
Which period is most suitable?
The favorite period in Interrail is the summer months but this is the most crowded and expensive in Europe. If you prefer September, the weather will be more suitable for the whole day and the prices become reasonable.