Construction work of the Archive Building for the 7th Regional Directorate of TCDD will be tendered by open tender method according to article 4734 of the Public Procurement Law No. 19. Detailed Information about the auction can be found down below.
Tender Registration Number: 2015 / 77094
1 of Administration
b) Telephone and fax number: 2722137621 - 2722144729
c) E-mail Address:
d) The internet address where the tender document can be seen:
2-Construction work
a) Quality, type and quantity: 1 Pieces New Building Construction
Detailed information can be obtained from the administrative specification contained in the tender document in EKAP.
c) Date of commencement: within 10 days from the date of signature of the contract
work place delivery will start.
d) Duration of work: 350 is the calendar day from the delivery of the place.
3- Tender
b) Date and time: 15.07.2015 - 10: 00
4. Conditions to be taken in the tender and the required documents and criteria to be applied in the assessment of competence:
4.1. Terms and conditions for participating in the tender:
4.1.1. The Chamber of Commerce and / or Industry or the Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen or the relevant Chamber of Profession. In the case of a real person, the certificate of registration, registered in the Chamber of Trade and / or Industry, or the Chamber of Tradesmen or the Chamber of Commerce, which is recorded in the year of the first announcement or tender date, In the event of being a legal person, the document which indicates that the legal entity is registered to the room from the Chamber of Commerce and / or Industry,
4.1.2. Signature Declaration or Signature Circular showing that it is authorized to bid. In case of a real person, then notarized signature Declaration. In the event that he is a legal person, he shows the last status indicating the persons, members or founders of the legal entity and the officials in charge of the legal entity in accordance with his interest. If the Trade Registry Gazette does not have all of this information in a Trade Registry Gazette, the relevant Trade Registry Gazettes showing them all, or showing them notarized signature circular of legal personality with documents,
4.1.3. Letter of bid determined in the Administrative Specification.
4.1.4. Temporary collateral defined in the Administrative Specification.
The subcontractor can be run with the approval of the administration. However, the whole work cannot be made to subcontractors.
4.1.6 If the certificate submitted by the legal entity to have work experience belonging to more than half of the legal entity, it shall be declared first by the trade registry offices in the chamber of commerce and industry or by the public accountant, certified public accountant or independent accountant. The document which is issued after the date and which has been held for the last one year uninterruptedly.
4.2. Documents related to economic and financial adequacy and the criteria that these documents should bear:
By the administration for the economic and financial qualification criteria not specified.
4.3. Documents related to vocational and technical competence and the criteria that these documents must bear:
4.3.1. Work experience documents:
Documents showing work experience related to the subject matter of the tender or similar works not less than 90% of the price promised and proposed within the last fifteen years.
The works to be accepted as similar work in this tender and the engineering and architecture departments which will be considered equivalent to similar works:
4.4.1. Jobs that can be regarded as work similar to this notice:
The work in the B-III group in the List of Similar Work Groups in Construction Works (Annex-1) of the Similar Business Groups Communiqué in Construction Works will be considered as similar work.
4.4.2. Engineering or architecture departments that are considered equivalent to similar work:
Civil Engineering and Architecture degrees.
5. The most advantageous bid in economic terms will be determined on the basis of price.
6. Only domestic tenderers can participate in the tender.
7. Viewing and purchasing the tender document:
7.1. The tender document can be seen at the address of the administration and TNCD 200 for 7 TRY (Turkish Lira). It can be purchased from the REGIONAL FINANCIAL AFFAIRS.
7.2. The tenderers are obliged to purchase the tender document or download it via e-signature via EKAP.
8. TCDD 7 up to bids, auction date and time. REGIONAL EDUCATION AND MEETING HALL / AFYONKARAHİSAR address can be delivered to the same address or sent to the same address via registered mail.
9. The bidders shall submit their bids on the turnkey lump sum. As a result of the tender, the contractor will be signed a turnkey lump sum contract. In this tender, shall be submitted for the whole work.
10. Tenderers shall submit a bid bond in the amount determined by them not to be less than% 3 of the offered price.
11. The validity period of the bids is 120 (one hundred and twenty) calendar days starting from the tender date.
12. The tender cannot be submitted as a consortium.
13. Other considerations: Boundary Value Coefficient (N): 1,00
The bids of the tenderers, whose bids are found to be below the limit value, shall be rejected without any explanation required by the Article 38 of the Act.
Tender Documents: Construction Works Special Technical Specification