Akçaray breaks down Bar Street

Akçaray will demolish Barlar Street: The Tmarvay Project, which is among the election promises of KOCAELİ Metropolitan Municipality before the 30 March local elections and is planned to be made to ease urban transportation, has been activated again.

Notified to the owners of the tram lines and the specified points of demolition were sent to the business owners.
Yusuf Ziya Tom, President of Kocaeli Entertainment Places Investors Association, made a statement regarding the region, which is named as 'Bar Street', where the decision to demolish the workplaces was taken, and said that they were shocked by the notifications sent to them despite the previous statements.
The tram project, whose prototype was placed in Anıtpark Square before the March 30 elections and was forgotten after the elections by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, was reactivated after repeated criticism. Within the scope of the project, the route of which was determined a while ago and which was planned to transport passengers at the end of 2016, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Real Estate and Expropriation Department Expropriation Branch Directorate within the scope of expropriation to be carried out along the line, primarily the operators in Barlar Soğaya. notified the building owners and other shopkeepers.
Following these developments, members of Kocaeli Entertainment Places Investors Association (KEYDER) came together at Space Bar and made a statement. KEYDER President Yusuf Ziya Tom said that the damage to be given to tradesmen within the scope of the rail system by Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality was ignored. Saying that they will be the supporters of all kinds of projects that will benefit the city, Yusuf Ziya Tom said:
“First of all, we would like to state that we will support all kinds of projects that will benefit our city and our countrymen and make this city more beautiful and livable. While the primary purpose and approach in this matter should be the solution of the problems related to the delivery and transfer of the rights of the licensed enterprises, it is seen that our municipality is trying to bring the issue to the end, and the damages this approach will cause to the tradesmen here are ignored. "
Yusuf Ziya Tom stated that they had been given various promises to them within the scope of the meetings with the municipality and they were surprised by the notifications.
“We all know the attitude and point of view of our municipality towards the tradesmen of Bar Street. We have tried to express our troubles in these matters through you. We had negotiated with our municipality over the projects that were stated to be created for the relocation of Barlar street and we had promised that the tram project would be brought to the agenda after these problems were resolved. Now, we are confused by the notifications delivered. The understanding of municipalism should mean serving the whole public without any political attitude, and operating for the benefit of the people without causing any victimization. It is clear that the decisions taken and communicated notifications are far from this approach. "
Saying that Barlar Sokağı is an important part of Izmit, Tom said that they gathered to repeat their reactions and their demands to keep the promises made, and said, “We will be a party to all kinds of work to protect, develop and improve Barlar Street, and all kinds of attitudes to destroy us. and we inform the public that we will seek our rights against the activity within the framework of the law ”.