2 bin 150 has received incentives for wagons, thousands of regulations are waiting

2 bin 150 has received incentives for the wagon, thousands of regulations are waiting: According to Ministry of Economy data in the recent period, 17 company has received incentive certificates for a wagon investment of more than 2 thousand. According to industry officials, if the expected regulation comes out, the number will soon find the 10 thousand.

On the railway liberalization of the law came out, but the regulation still does not exist. Nevertheless, companies are competing for a wagon investment. In the past two years 17 company has received incentives to invest in 2.151 wagons. The number of companies that invested in wagons with the ones who started to invest before, exceeds 20. Arkas has invested in wagons on 700 and signed a loan agreement for the new investment. KLN Logistics will receive 600, Medlog Logistics 235, Rayser Logistics 227, Transwaggon 150 wagon. The giants such as Ekol, Barsan and Omsan have not announced their purchase plans yet. According to the sector analysis, the total figure is going to 10 per thousand. Özcan Salkaya, President of the Association of Railway Transportation, said, Öz Many companies are waiting for regulations. Purchases will increase by 4-5 Erk UTIKAD President Turgut Erkeskin-Interest and demand is very high. I can say that a large number of firms have started to invest in large amounts Oldukça.

Wagon investments are accelerating. In the past two years 17 company has received incentives to invest in 2.151 wagons. The number of companies that invested in wagons with the ones who started to invest before, exceeds 20. The number of wagons that some companies, such as Arkas, intend to buy, has a thousand. Arkas, which invested in wagons on 700, made a loan agreement for the new investment. KLN Logistics will receive 600, Medlog Logistics 235, Rayser Logistics 227, Transwaggon 150 wagon. Dozens of company regulations await. According to the sector analysis, this 2 bin figure will actually endure 4 to 5 and 10 will go to a thousand. Giants such as Ekol, Barsan and Omsan have not announced their purchase plans. They're waiting for the regulation.

Özcan Salkaya, President of the Association of Railway Transportation, said, Öz Many companies are waiting for regulations. Purchases 4-5 will increase the floor, Alım he said. UTIKAD President Turgut Erkeskin also said kin Interest and demand is very high. I can say that a very high number of firms have started to invest in large amounts. Oldukça

The eye of the sector in the regulation. There was a law on liberalization in the railway. The regulation has been working for a year. It would be like Christmas but there was a delay. Currently, sectoral organizations follow up on the issue in Ankara before the election. However, the companies are waiting for the regulation to invest in succession. According to the incentive data, TUPRAS will also purchase 445 wagons. This investment, which envisages the purchase of 75 million pounds, is also the largest wagon investment. Another company that invests heavily in the sector is Medlog. The investment of this company foresees the purchase of 235 wagons. Transwaggon's 150 units will be US Logistics's 80 wagon investment. Onder Customs Clearance also received investment incentive certificate for freight transportation with 125 thousand tons of capacity in years.

Date of the regulation will be clarified to the week

DTD President Özcan Salkaya said, “There is preparation for more than 1 year of regulation. We have been waiting since November. We have a meeting with the ministry next week. We will talk about regulations and tariffs. There were very high applications for wagon investments. We applied as KLN. Uncertainty must go away for full realization. He thinks that we should take our precautions in advance as there is an important incentive for investments in railways. Due to uncertainty, we are not making investments as much as they should. The companies are acting with the incentive received by 8-10% of the investment plan, ”he said.

In Turkey, will reportedly invest large holdings close to the railway 10. Kolin, Limak, groups such as Lightning are among them.

Chinese are planning to enter production

The state has 100 billion investment plans on the railway. The amount of cargo on the railroad should be increased to 2023 million tons in 50, and 10 thousand wagons should be invested in 50 years. The current production is inadequate for this. Foreigners are looking for investment. Europeans are preparing to enter the industry. It is stated that Chinese companies are very eager. In addition to Rail Cargo, The Greenbrier has interest from Bulgaria, Poland, Italy and Spain. Apart from the German Deutsche Bahn, 4 more companies are planning an investment here. One of last week's talks in Turkey.

'Regulation should come out before the election'

UTİKAD President Turgut Erkeskin said, “If the regulation comes before the election, it will be very important for the sector. Arrangements should be made in order for the domestic investor to be in the foreground. Interest and demand for investment is very high. Many companies are ready to invest in large sums, or even started. There is also demand from abroad, both in terms of investment and business. But how everything will be shaped will depend on regulations, tariffs and how to ensure public and private sector compliance. ”



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