Another important step has been taken in our Doha Metro Golden Line Project; The TBM transportation business, which aroused great interest in the administration and partners, was successfully completed.
The first of the two TBMs, for which Sami Enis Arıoğlu and Enver Koç are responsible for the assembly and operation, was transported to the station where it will begin excavation after the shield assembly was completed on February 6, 2015. The TBM shield, which weighs 450 tons in total, was lifted using 10 support plates and hydraulic lifting systems, each weighing 2 tons, and loaded onto the SPMT (Self-Propelled Modular Transporter) vehicle. The route of 1 km in total was passed in 6 hours by descending a ramp with a slope of 3 percent. SPMT and hydraulic lifting systems were leased from Sarens. The TBM in question is scheduled to begin excavation on February 21, 2015.
We would like to congratulate all our employees for this operation and hope that the success of the entire project team will continue.