Gaziantep trams carry 60 thousand passengers a day

Gaziantep trams carry 60 thousand passengers a day: Gaziantep City Council held its 4th Ordinary General Assembly.
At the meeting held in the Gazi Antep Exporters Union Meeting Hall, City Council President Mehmet Aslan, who listed the problems in transportation with their main headings, stated that they are trying to find solutions to Gaziantep's problems with the support of the members of the general assembly. Reminding that one thousand 30 people work voluntarily in the city council, Aslan said that they have formed working groups in many areas, especially the traffic working group. Stating that their priority targets are urban traffic, Aslan also noted that studies are carried out in areas such as development, education and health.
Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Fatma Şahin, who made a presentation on the "Transportation Master Plan" of the city prepared by the Metropolitan Development Department, drew attention to the fact that this cannot be solved only by the initiatives of the municipality and everyone should support it.
Stating that traffic is like a blood circulating in the human body, Şahin said, “Just as there is a problem when the blood is not circulating in the blood vessels in this body, there are also such problems in traffic. 85 percent of the population in our city is gathered in the city center. In this respect, there may be unwanted problems in traffic ”.
Stating that 120 thousand people go to and from the Organized Industrial Zone daily, Mayor Şahin also stated that 60 thousand people go to the small industry site daily. Reminding that 929 thousand people are transported daily by 660 public transportation vehicles in Gaziantep, Şahin noted that many boulevards start with 4 lanes and then fall into 2 lanes and they have experienced the difficulties of this. Stating that Özdemirbey Caddesi, Ali Nadir Bulvar and Gazi Antep University intersections are examples of these, Şahin emphasized that some problems experienced in the past cause disruptions in traffic today.
Stating that they will start a new application with “Mobile Kart15” in transportation as of February 27, Mayor Fatma Şahin said, “With this application, a passenger will be able to learn at which stop and what time the bus will pass by mobile phone. "He will be able to find out how often he is going and use the bus stops accordingly."
Şahin said that the minibuses from the districts would use the terminals and that they would not be allowed to enter the city, and that the intersection works continued in front of the Şehirgöveren Neighborhood and Dedeman Hotel.
After taking office 22 km Sahinbey, 18 km Şehitkâmil region, including a total of 40 km of the new road they have made transfer Sahin, the transportation master plan has been made and the work began.
Sahin explaining the need to take radical decisions in order to minimize transportation difficulties, these decisions are in response, he said. Fatma Sahin, who expressed that the average 65 thousand passengers are transported by light rail system, emphasized that they aim to increase the number of wagons on the existing rail system and the distance of the stations to 120 thousand.
In addition, Boğaziçi Project and Engineering made a presentation about the transportation master plan and informed the participants.
Industry, Trade, Energy, Natural Resources, Information and Technology Chairman of the Commission and AK Party deputies Halil Mazıcıoğlu Gazi, CHP Gazi antep deputies Mehmet Sugar, Ali Serindağ, GAÜN Rector. Dr. Yavuz Coşkun and Chamber of Architects Gazi Antep Branch President Sıtkı Severoğlu also talked about their views and opinions about transportation in the city.



  1. One of the biggest mistakes made in rail systems almost every two hundred meters of a station is going to be filled with gas from the pollinated oxen of the bird because the step per step is made and eyebrows at the sight of the minimum of these stops need to be eight hundred meters apart here is three hundred meters below the drop in some places on top. I'm going to be unbearable when the pedestrians rushed to the road.

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