Muscovites will be able to see the location of public transport vehicles on the map

The Muscovites will be able to see the location of the public transport vehicles on the map: thanks to the new application of the Yandex search engine, the Muscovites will now be able to follow the location of the buses, trams and trolleybuses they expect.
Yandex has been serving in Turkey, it has developed a new application called yandex.transport for Muscovites. Thanks to this application, citizens waiting for the bus, tram and trolleybus will be able to learn when and where the map is located on the map. Changes on the map will be updated instantly as public transport progresses. The new application can calculate the estimated amount of time to arrive in the direction the passengers want to go.
Someone who has just arrived in Moscow will be able to use Yandex.Transport as a guide. The application will show the route at which stops the selected line passes the vehicles and stops at the stop and shows the route on the map. Thus, a foreigner to Moscow will be able to comprehend the region more quickly.
In addition, Yandex.Transport users will be able to reach some information about minibuses and other buses serving in Moscow region. In addition to the app about 40 was added in some information such as the departure times of trains in the city.
For now, citizens can follow the 758 bus, 80 trolleybus and 38 tram line in Moscow.

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