Fast train to the center of tourism

High-speed train to the center of tourism: While the government's high-speed train works are in progress, new routes are covered by the investment program.
The road map for the Istanbul-Antalya High Speed ​​Train (YHT) Line, which is of great importance for the tourism sector, is also clear. Istanbul will be connected through Eskişehir-Kütahya-Afyon and even steps have been taken. According to the information obtained from the Ministry of Development, an offer was made for the transfer of Eskişehir-Kütahya-Afyon to the 2015 investment program.
Number of tourists will increase
With the Ministry of Development's approval of the Ministry of Transport, the investments will begin. The second part of the project, Burdur-Antalya Line, is being worked on. It is stated that the investments can take several years due to the transition to the Taurus Mountains. For the project that will connect Istanbul to Antalya, a line of 400 kilometers will be laid after Eskişehir. With the completion of the line from Istanbul to Antalya 4,5 hour transportation will be possible. It is planned to make a big contribution to the tourism sector by means of the high-speed train which will disrupt the memorization in transportation. With the introduction of new lines, the number of tourists arriving on the route is expected to increase.


  1. alternative transportation to the TRNC should be reached by reaching the direction of the marl of the silifke from the karamandan.

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