Çorum will be suitable for railway freight transportation or YHT technology

Whether Çorum railway will be suitable for freight transport or YHT technology: It has been a matter of curiosity whether the Çorum railway will be suitable for freight transport or rail freight transport.
AK Party Deputy MPs Salim Uslu, Cahit Bagci and Murat Yildirim, in their joint statement, Kirikkale-Corum-Samsun Railway (279 km) announced that the railway has entered the investment program, after giving detailed information about the investment in Corum and the environment around the benefits were listed.
Let's talk a few words about the railway first; As can be understood from the declaration of the deputies, Kırıkkale-Çorum-Samsun Railway was included in the 62nd Government Program under Ahmet Davutoğlu Prime Ministry. From a technical point of view, the implementation project of Kırıkkale-Çorum-Samsun Railway will take two years, 2015-2016. For this, 2 million TL has been allocated. It was envisaged to start the construction phase after the application. It was about the advantages that the railway will bring to Çorum from now on.
After the publication of the news item titled “In the railway investment program” in the headline of the Domination, we were asked two questions in the same manner, one of which is the industrialist and the other representative of the non-governmental organization.
Whether it is the transportation of the Çorum railway or the high-speed train technology, it is curious.
Whether it was due to the positive developments experienced in the railway, which is a UK in us, we conveyed this question that Çorumlu was curious about to TSO President Çetin Başaranhıncal, who has been interested in the issue from the beginning to the present.
Başaranhıncal's response is, “Kırıkkale-Çorum-Samsun Railway will be based on freight transport. However, it will be built in accordance with the high-speed train infrastructure. In other words, developments in technology until that day will be applied for Çorum. ” It was in the form.
As such, our railroad will be built for freight transportation when it comes to the construction phase, but its infrastructure will be compatible with high-speed train. In other words, it can be converted to the rail system according to the high-speed train, if desired. If Allah shows those days, keep in mind all the dynamics of Çorum, we want both freight and high speed train. Let's take our precaution according to him.

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