Bridges and highways print money

Bridges and highways landed money: Bridge and highway revenues approached 800 million liras. 366 million 337 thousand 881 vehicles from the 11 vehicle using the bridge and motorways was 783 million 579 thousand 522 pounds of the year.
According to data compiled from the General Directorate of Highways, the bridge and motorways in November used the 32 million 762 bin 378 vehicles. 70 million 93 thousand of these tools were derived from 822 pounds.
11 million 137 thousand 205 liras were charged for 931 million 207 thousand 418 vehicles passing through Bosphorus and Fatih Sultan Mehmet bridges in 854 months of the year. In the same period, 229 million 131 thousand 950 lira was generated from 576 million 160 thousand 669 vehicles using highways.
Thus, in the 11 month of the year, 783 million 579 thousand 522 pounds were obtained from bridges and highways.