350 km of paving was done: Malatya Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ahmet Çakır examined the asphalting works carried out by the Metropolitan Municipality on the road of Sipahiuşağı, Konducak, Çakırsu, Bostancık, Bağazlı and Günyüzü neighborhoods of Arapgir Municipality and received information about the works.
In addition to Metropolitan Mayor Ahmet Çakır, Secretary General Arif Emecen, Arapgir Mayor Haluk Cömertoğlu and some department heads and branch managers attended the tour.
President Çakır: Our goal is to make the roads high quality and healthy
Making a statement about the works carried out in the districts, Metropolitan Municipality Mayor Ahmet Çakır stated that one of the areas of responsibility as the metropolitan municipality is road construction and expansion works, “We have carried out important works by focusing on road works especially in our rural neighborhoods, especially in Malatya Center and our districts. Our main goal is to make these roads better quality and healthier. We have largely completed the work we aimed for in 2014. During this period, we have carried out 86 km of new road works, 170 km of road expansion works, 350 km of asphalt paving and over 3 thousand km of maintenance, repair and road cleaning ”.
Mobile crushers will be installed
Stating that more intensive studies will be carried out in this field next year, President Çakır said; “Regarding these, we will be able to produce materials in rural areas rather than carrying materials from centers to rural areas. We will establish stone quarries and mobile crusher facilities that will meet their needs in each region ”.
Teams are working on the field
President Çakır stated that there will be no unmade roads on the group roads in Malatya; “Currently, 3 asphalt teams, 9 patch teams and 2 hot asphalt teams continue their work in districts. We will increase the number of these teams even more next year. We had previously visited the area where the works are currently being carried out with our Arapgir Mayor. We stated that this place will be built. Currently, our friends have been working here for about a month. "The 27-kilometer part of the group road has been completed."
Mayor Cömertoğlu: A road that has been gangrene for years
The Mayor of Arapgir Haluk Cömertoğlu thanked the Metropolitan Mayor and his team; “The road we are on is the Bostancık group road, which has been said in all periods of gangrene for years, but could not achieve the desired comfort. It is an alternative road coming from Arguvan axis to Arapgir and at the same time, this road connects to the Deregezen group road via Konducak. In the past years, stabilization works were brought to a certain point, and although it was included in the asphalt program, the Special Administration could not train it. It was the honor of our President to complete these studies. Mr. President and his team have been working hard here for about a month. They increased the comfort of the roads to be surfaced by supporting them with basic materials and now the coating work continues. The 27-kilometer part is finished. I would like to thank my dear President and his team for their devoted work ”.
Thanks from the headmen
Cakirsu District Governor Nevzat Sahin and Bostancik Neighborhood headman Mehmet Guner thanked everyone who contributed to the projects of their neighborhoods due to the services made to their neighborhoods.
Nursing home and school visit
Mayor of Metropolitan Municipality Ahmet Çakır, together with his delegation, visited the nursing home of the Metropolitan Municipality in Arapgir and received information about the mobile stone chips facility established here.
President Çakır also visited Kozluca Primary School during his visit to Kozluca Neighborhood, chatted with the students and wished them success in their educational life.