The fastest train line from Erzincan to the Black Sea

The fast train line from Erzincan to the Black Sea will be transferred to Bayburt: President of the Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Artisans of Bayburt, Mr. Selahattin Karaman and President of the Chamber of Agriculture of Bayburt, Abuzer Yıldırımtepe and President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bayburt İbrahim Yumak forwarded the prepared file to President Erdoğan.

In order to include our province in the works related to the transition route of the high speed train line that will be connected to the Black Sea from Erzincan, in response to the file we have submitted for you to be included in our province, it was stated by DLH that the said line would pass through Erzincan-Gümüşhane. It could not be raised. On the other hand, the feasibility of the Erzincan-Tirebolu route, whose feasibility was made twice in 1983 and 1997 and which were not applied in these two feasibility studies, was rebuilt and the resources of our state were wasted according to scientific reports. DLH officials insist on an inseparable line on this line that is not feasible, the first investment and operating costs of the routes passing through Bayburt provide savings of approximately 3 billion pounds to our state, and the feasibility of the route is shorter than the 80 km, the advantages of slope, speed and cost efficiency. in response to scientific studies in the direction that can not provide any explanation. The former Minister of Transportation Mr. Binali Yildirim's men route determines the science da in line with the expression of the route that will go through the Bayburt route in the determination of the views of the universities and the scientific reports of the opinion that the most appropriate route to be taken into consideration for our country and a final decision on this issue before the decision The feasibility study of the Erzincan-Bayburt-Of-Trabzon pipeline was conducted and the final decision was requested.



  1. There is no airplane, no train, no train, no air, no sin, no air.

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