Vehicle owners who have not been inspected during the vehicle inspection

Vehicle owners who did not have the vehicle inspection on time, note: The Communiqué on the Implementation of Article 79 of the Law on the Amendment of the Labor Law and Certain Laws and Decree Laws and the Restructuring of Certain Claims (Regarding Vehicle Inspections) was published in the Official Gazette and entered into force.
Accordingly, according to the Highways Traffic Law, those who did not have the vehicle inspection on time are required to have their vehicle inspections until 31 December 2014 (including this date). Instead of the 5 percent surplus required for each month for which the inspection period is passed, the D-PPI monthly change rates until the date the law is published will be calculated based on the monthly rate of 11 percent for each month and fractions from the date of the law's publication to the date of the vehicle inspections. 2014 percent surplus, which should be received on condition that they pay the amount, will be waived from collection.
The scope of the configuration, the law is published as of September 11 mandatory vehicle inspection should be done, but the vehicles will not be inspected during the period will be entered.
In the Communiqué, the amount to be calculated instead of the percentage 5 is explained with formulas and examples.
Those who are under the scope of the configuration and have their vehicles inspected after January 1, 2015 (including this date) will be charged 5 percent more for each delayed month and fraction.