First measure on Yalıkavak - Gündoğan road

The first precaution on the Yalıkavak - Gündoğan road: In Muğla's Bodrum district, work has begun to prevent traffic accidents on the Yalıkavak-Gündoğan highway.
The first measures are taken on the road between Yalıkavak Gündoğan, which has been on the agenda due to recent accidents. Following the protocol between the Ministry of Tourism and the 2nd Regional Directorate of Highways, which is under the provision and draft of the Ministry of Tourism, the first studies were carried out to prevent accidents on the road with top coating.
Mugla Governorship and Highways 26. Following the examinations made by the Branch Chief, Muğla Provincial Traffic Commission, 3 bin 600 meters highway folk language, known as the cat eyes 500 pieces were separated by the way button. After the road buttons were mounted, then the separation of the road with the 250 pieces delinator (red road division father) was completed.
In the control of the highways, the teams of the Bodrum Municipality will also install the 500 pieces on the white road glass button and the strip separators on the outer strips of the road platform.