Mardine high speed train from Istanbul

Istanbul to Mardine high-speed train: AK Party Promotion and Media Vice President İhsan Şener said that the Karaman-Konya high-speed train line will extend from Nusaybin to Habur.

AK Party Promotion and Media Vice President İhsan Şener said that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will hold a rally in Mardin on July 31, within the scope of the presidential election studies.

Saying that Prime Minister Erdogan loved and valued Mardin, Sener is over 9 billion lira in Tourism, Transportation, Education, Health, Justice, Forestry and Waterworks, Energy, Agriculture and Livestock, Housing, Koydes, Sports and many other fields. reminded that an investment was made in 12 years.

Mardin grew, grew Turkey
Stating that he has grown in Mardin in 12 years by increasing production and exports, Şener said, “In 2002, while Mardin was exporting only 22 million dollars of its product, this figure has reached 1 billion dollars. While the tax paid in Mardin was 2002 million lira in 39, it increased to 2013 million lira in 169. In these figures, he shows that while Mardin is winning, he also brings to our country. Mardin was growing up, growing up in Turkey. " said.

Freedom of education in mother tongue
Saying that the prohibitions in life have disappeared in education, Şener said, “It reaches Mardin University and provides education to more than 6 thousand students with 2 faculties, 3 colleges, 4 institutes, 5 vocational schools, and state conservatories. Living Languages ​​Institute in the university education in the Kurdish language, Syriac, the language was taken in Turkey by signing a policy department. In addition, new classrooms were built as much as the classrooms built in the history of the Republic, with a large investment in secondary education, and the number of classrooms increased from 3 to 280 thousand 6. Our children survived 135-person classes. In modern classrooms, education started with modern educational tools. ” He spoke.

High speed train from Istanbul to Mardin
Stating that large investments have been made in transportation, Şener said, “The Karaman-Konya high speed train line will extend from Nusaybin to Habur. Karaman, Ulukışla, Mersin, Adana, Osmaniye, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa, Nusaybin, Habur high speed train projects are being prepared. With the South Fast Train Project, Mardin will be on one end and Istanbul on the other. While there was only 2002 kilometers divided road on the highway until 29, it increased by 12 more years and reached 216 kilometers. The road network has been restructured by reaching 761 kilometers. The airline became the way of the people. While 2003 thousand people used it in Mardin airport in 19, it currently uses 300 thousand people. ” said.

Ilısu Dam is rising
Explaining that irrigation and energy projects are continuing, Şener said, “The Southeastern Anatolia project is developing in Mardin with GAP. Within the scope of Gap, only 2002 thousand hectares of land met with water until 198, while this figure increased to 2013 thousand hectares in 423. Ilısu, which is the largest dam rising on the Tigris River under construction, will contribute to our country only 825 million lira in energy production. ” spoke in the form.