16 Bursa

Burulaşta Collective Agreement Joy

Joy of Collective Agreement in Burulaş: According to the agreement signed between 270 people working in BURULAŞ, affiliated with Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, and the Railway Workers Union, BURULAŞ will receive the first 6 months of the first year. [more…]


OGS owners can pay attention!

Attention OGS owners! You may end up in debt: Banks canceling OGS devices with insufficient funds is costly for vehicle owners. Drivers who are considered to have passed illegally will be fined 500 TL. [more…]

Asphalt News

Asphalt Works in Kepez Continues

Asphalt Works in Kepez Continues: Kepez Municipality Directorate of Science Affairs makes the asphalt of altinova honeysuckle street, which is expanded by building a new canal next to the existing water channel. [more…]


MTOSB Wanting Highway Connection

MTOSB Wants Highway Connection: Mersin-Tarsus Organized Industrial Zone (MTOSB), which realizes one third of Mersin's exports, employs 12 thousand people, and has 4 thousand vehicles entering and exiting daily. [more…]

34 Istanbul

When will the third airport be opened

When will the Third Airport be opened: Prime Minister Erdoğan said that the third airport, the foundation of which was laid in Istanbul, will be the largest in the world with a capacity of 150 million passengers. Prime Minister before the groundbreaking [more…]