Minister Elvan: Improving Intelligent Transportation Systems is Important. Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Lütfi Elvan said, “According to a study conducted, a person in Istanbul spends 96 minutes in traffic on weekdays. On the weekend, a person spends 86 minutes a day in traffic. In this sense, I think smart transportation systems are very important ”.
Lütfi Elvan, organized by the General Directorate of Highways and the Turkish National Roads Committee under the auspices of his ministry, and where all the details of Intelligent Transportation Systems were discussed in the “1. He participated in the "Highway Intelligent Transportation Systems Congress and Exhibition".
Grand Cevahir Congress makes the opening speech held at Elven, intelligent transportation systems, said it was an important opportunity of the congress held in Turkey.
Minister Elven, the panels will be organized during the congress of the studies on this subject in the world, the way of Turkey to follow giving the information that debated and discussed, Ministry of work to be done and said that the Government would give direction to create that strategy and policy.
12 important developments in recent years, Turkey pointed out that there Elven, said:
“Revolutionary reforms have been carried out from the field of democratization to the field of economy. Education, health, social security, to transport until it reaches virtually every area of firsts Turkey. In this process, we have made very important developments in the transportation and communication sectors. The amount of investment we have made in the field of transportation alone in the last 12 years has reached 172 billion liras, which is a significant amount. When we look back 12 years ago, we see that the road standards were very low, we did not have a road infrastructure of international standards, we only had 6 thousand 100 kilometers of roads in terms of divided roads, and we had a poor transportation infrastructure. When we look at the accident rates, the accident rate per 100 million vehicle-kilometers was 5,17 percent, which is a very high rate, today we have reduced this rate to roughly 2,6. This average is also below EU standards. "
Giving information about the works carried out in the transportation sector, Elvan continued his speech as follows:
“In the transportation sector, we have made very important developments not only in highways but also in airlines, seaways and railways. Today, our 74 provinces have become interconnected by divided roads. Our road standards have been raised. Looking at our road standards in the past, if you did not repair the road we made the next year, we had to do it the next year. However, the roads we have built today are the ones that can be used for 15-20 years without any maintenance or repair. We achieved significant savings, especially in terms of labor and fuel. According to the study of our friends, the annual savings we have achieved as a result of divided roads reach 15 billion lira in terms of fuel and labor. In terms of emission release, we see that 3 million tons less emission is emitted annually. "
Lütfi Elvan, a certain quality on the road has been captured, the roads are now becoming more secure, parallel to the increasing traffic and the number of vehicles, especially in metropolises, said that the loss of time is increasing.
In his speech, Lütfi Elvan said “There is a very important time loss for those living in metropolises” and said “According to a study conducted, a person in Istanbul spends 96 minutes in traffic every weekday. On the weekend, a person spends 86 minutes a day in traffic. In this sense, I think smart transportation systems are very important. With smart transportation systems, you save time and labor and increase your productivity. You can also enable citizens to move more comfortably. In countries where smart transportation systems are very common, we see that the preferences of the citizens in traffic or the vehicles they will use have changed by using these systems and there is a shift towards comfortable public transportation. Development of smart transportation systems is important in this sense ”.
Elvan also mentioned the importance of the data infrastructure, which should be in smart transportation systems, and the necessity of this data infrastructure to be opened to common use. After the opening speech, Minister Elvan visited the stands in the foyer and received information from the authorities.