11 Bilecik

Heavy Duty Injury

The Worker Who Jumped from the Train Maintenance Vehicle was Seriously Injured: The worker who jumped from the maintenance vehicle whose brakes burst during the High Speed ​​Train (YHT) works in Bilecik was seriously injured. According to the information obtained [more…]


Reflecting bridges with cover

Bridges are being renewed in Kapaklı: Bridges are being renewed in Kapaklı District of Tekirdağ. While the existing bridge located at the Erbay Street Yuvam Konutları exit in Tekirdağ's Kapaklı District is being demolished, a new bridge is being built at the same point. [more…]


Organized by Osman Gazi Junction

The surroundings of Osman Gazi Junction have been organized: Landscaping works have been completed at Darıca Osman Gazi Junction. After the completion of the construction of Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality, the traffic in the region has been greatly relieved. [more…]


Ovit Tunnel to End at 2015

Ovit Tunnel will be completed at the end of 2015: The 2640-meter section of the Ovit Tunnel, which is under construction on the 9-altitude Ovit Mountain on the Rize-Erzurum highway route, has been completed. Rize [more…]