Road Safety Conference in Urban Transportation

Urban Transport in Road Safety Conference: Urban Transportation in Road Safety Conference: 28 April 2014 Monday, Salt Galata, hosted and 3 of the EMBARQ Turkey support "Urban Road Safety in Transport" a lecture will be held.
Ministry of Transportation, Traffic Safety Platform, EMBARQ Turkey, WHO, Red Cross, Suat Ayoze Traffic Victims Association and will include speakers from İETT conference road safety in urban transport, reducing direction, objectives and strategies of Turkey's road traffic accidents, conducted by international organizations working on ' problems and concrete solutions will be discussed.
Ministry of Transportation, Traffic Safety Platform, EMBARQ Turkey-Sustainable Transport Association, WHO-World Health Organization, the Red Crescent and the side of İETT from guest speakers well as NGOs, public institutions and representatives of local governments, firms in the private sector representatives and experts to share information with academics.
You can reach more detailed information about the contents and program of the attached files.
Draft Program- Road Safety Awareness Conference