The free travel application for disabled and elderly citizens, announced by our Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and introduced with the amendment made to Law No. 12 on July 2013, 4736, is being implemented throughout Turkey.
Disabled persons with a disability ID card free of charge to use the existing cards, the elderly will be able to benefit from the identity cards.
Those who want to benefit from the free travel right along with their companions will apply to the Provincial Directorates of Family and Social Policies for the disabled identity card which has been reorganized to benefit from this right.
The Free Or Discounted Travel Cards Regulation prepared by the Ministry of Family and Social Policies to determine the procedures and principles of the regulation which provides free travel rights to disabled and elderly citizens entered into force by being published in the Official Gazette 04 / 03 / 2014 date and 28931.
Which services will be eligible for free travel?
With the amendment to the Law on the Amendment of the Goods and Services Tariffs and Certain Laws of Public Institutions and Organizations of 12 dated 2013 July 4736;
The maximum number of persons with disabilities, who have a disability rate exceeding% 40 and the persons with severe disabilities, may be accompanied by a special person authorized by the municipalities, by the municipalities, by the municipalities, by the municipalities, by the municipalities, by unions, institutions and city-owned public transport services
the right to free access,
Citizens over the age of 65 are given the right to use free of charge the intra-city public transport services of municipalities, companies established by municipalities, unions, institutions and enterprises, or private individuals or companies authorized by municipalities, on the intra-city lines of railways and seaways, and to benefit from a 50% discount on the intercity lines of railways and seaways.
How will disabled and elderly people benefit from this right?
According to the Free Or Discounted Travel Cards Regulation, which defines the procedures and principles regarding the use of free travel;
Citizens who are above the age of 65 will be able to benefit from this right through their identity cards and the ”identity card for persons with disabilities Aile given by the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Policies.
Disabled Persons With Disabilities ID Card Available With Free Cards
All Disability Citizens with a disability rate greater than 40;
The / Identity Card for Persons with Disabilities N issued by the Provincial Directorates of Family and Social Policies in accordance with the Regulation on the Establishment of a Database of Disabled Persons and the issuance of an ID Card issued to the Disabled Persons
With the provisional 1 clause of the aforementioned regulation,
Disabled individuals whose disability rate is written on their identity card will be able to benefit from this right with their identity cards showing their disability rate.
Thus, citizens with a disabled ID card will not need to renew their existing cards.
If they wish to benefit from free travel together with their companions, they will apply for a new card.
Persons with severe disabilities who will benefit from free travel alone will be able to use the above mentioned ID cards. Those who do not need to renew their cards are not needed.
Persons with severe disabilities who want to benefit from free travel together with their companions are required to renew their ID cards.
In order for the citizens with heavy disabilities to use the free travel together with their companions, they must present the identity card, which is newly published by the Ministry of Family and Social Policies and which has the phrase ılan THE FOLLOWER RIGHT IN THE TRANSPORTATION Ağır.
In order to ensure that the citizens in this scope do not encounter any kind of victimization,
Two photos and
With the original or approved sample of the Health Board Report for the Disabled
they should apply to the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Policies in the province they are resident to apply for a new identity card with the phrase inin REFACTOR IS THE RIGHT TO REACH kart and to renew their cards.
Including Public Buses for Free Travel!
The free travel app will also include City Buses that make city trips.
In the regulation, if the free or discounted travel rights are not exercised, an administrative fine shall be imposed on the fines of the public transport vehicle by the administrative administrative authority for each person who is not benefited from this right.
Free Travel Rights for the Identification Cards Will all the current Regulation in Turkey
Disabled persons with disabilities will be able to benefit from free travel, and elderly people with ID cards will be able to benefit not only from the city they live in but also from different cities.
The lack of special transportation cards for municipalities to regulate transportation services will not be an obstacle to benefit from free travel.
bartında boyle a law yotur my report is genius
There are train passengers who benefit from the discount unfairly. Especially::: school principals and their assistants… academicians… military experts…. and press members… these are poor? orphans? It should be ensured that they are not discounted. unemployed
Those who do not have an unaccompanied income and the disabled do not benefit, the wealthy and those with torpedoes benefit. There is a disability in this niche. The magnates who are not written here also benefit from the discount. … .. right to school is being renewed in this business. must be fixed