Boluda sees two seasons together

Two seasons live together in Bolu: Winter and spring coexist in Bolu because the temperatures are above seasonal norms.

The Sarıalan Plateau on the road to Kartalkaya Ski Center provides a revel of color with yellow and purple crocuses. Spring in the plateau and winter in Kartalkaya, 8 kilometers away.

Ali Serkan Kılıç, skiing in Kartalkaya, said to the AA reporter, stating that he came from Istanbul and said, “The holiday is very good and good. I love Kartalkaya. My first ski experience. A super feeling, great. Everyone should try and ski once in his life. ”

Holiday vacationer Sabri Yilmaz said that the quality of the snow in the ski resort is a little low, but the holiday was good.

"As far as we watch from the news, this drought happens every 8 years," Yilmaz said. I hope not in the coming years. It is a pity that it is already blooming in the highlands. There is more time. If it gets cold in March, it will be a pity for all of them. ”