Countdown started for Konya-Istanbul YHT flights

Countdown has started for Konya-Istanbul YHT flights: High speed train services between Konya and Istanbul start in two months. It will reduce the transportation between the two cities to 3,5 hours and even test drives continue. If there is no major problem, these rides will be completed at the end of March and the high-speed trains will start to carry their first passengers. With the realization of new projects, the city will soon become a major center in transportation.



  1. The capacity and speed increase in rail transports give the country a measure of development. In addition to the spread of the YHT, in the future speed increase is taken into consideration. The opponents of the game should learn to say zaman AK ın and ilerleme AK ın. .. Business follow-up visits, for the return to the training and for those who want comfort, YHT is avoided.

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