Marmaray Disease

Marmaray Disease: The number of passengers in Marmaray, which is expressed as the proj Eurasian Project n that connects Asia and Europe with the sea from the bottom of the sea, has been increasing every day as they have increased. Can not use it at any time.
Claustrophobia, ie people who live in a fear of closed area, are unable to use Marmaray, which is located under a hole, because they are anxious and fearful in closed areas. University of Science and Technology Feneryolu Poliklinigi Psychiatry Specialist Asst. doã§. Dr. U .ur HatÄ ± loÄÄlu means that they will not be able to use Marmaray for fear of fear and anxiety.
He emphasized that the treatment of the disease is important, and that he is interested in the association of claustrophobia.
What is the fear of space?
The fear of a closed area may be in everyone. He can show himself, as he cannot stay in the narrow ones. We need to have some criteria for not identifying as a disease. It is not true to recognize as a patient in every closed area.
What are the symptoms?
The person feels like he is choking himself, he suffers a feeling of being scared, sweating, feeling unconscious, and his own. The appearance of symptoms of panic becomes distinctive for the disease. When the person comes to this situation several times, the fear is lived and begins to disappear from the same behavior. There is always a snooze in search of an alternative.
I say I'm not right!
The uncomfortable things of people appearing in the brain cannot sit in high places, drawing more brain MRI. She plans to change her life by thinking that the personal situation is due to her personal features. In fact, this is a phobia, anxiety disorder. I'm saying that I'm not saying it is correct.
People consider this state to be normal. They perceive personal characteristics. This fear starts from childhood. Suddenly it appears. Somewhere, these people have storytellers like being locked out. The frequency of appearing in people whose parents are very hostile and living in a place with a cataclysm.
Do these people quit entering any closed space?
They may feel uncomfortable in places such as elevators, mass transport vehicles, cinema, classrooms, and some parts of the house. These people prefer places that are close to much more. Tickets in the cinema halls would close places, close to the exit. They send someone with them. They are found in the security-seeking behavior. They carry safety elements. Take a bottle of water, breathe open, take a handkerchief or a person.
Why cannot claustrophobia use Marmaray?
It may be difficult for people who cannot ride the elevator to use Marmaray. They will be drawn from and pass away from being part of the bottom of the void. In particular, the news of recent disasters in recent days is also increasing the anxiety and fears of these people. The fact that the project is new and a number of disruptions adversely affect the people who are afraid of staying in the closed area. Mild winters can ride, but people who are in severe trouble will not be able to ride.
Can you use Marmaray? Ä ± mün?
When the person is worried, something always comes down. The strain also increases tension and the symptoms of panic occur. The person should try to overcome the anxiety in this case. He must direct his attention to another point. You can read a book, so you can watch something. It is very important in this case to breathe correctly. Anxious people can be disturbed by breathing.
In which case treatment treatment?
If the panic attacks are life-threatening, if the person cannot enter the enclosed space, the office cannot enter the spaces, if the day passes like a torment and cannot plan with their friends, the quality of life of the person will fall. In this case, the treatment is not discontinued. If the person is going to postpone this situation, they may experience depression and panic disorder in the future.
You can also treat the free of charge!
In this case it is absolutely necessary to apply psychotherapy. Its functionality is highly impaired and it uses inhalation therapy. In any case, he also needs psychiatric treatment. In mild and moderate cases, the problem can be overcome with the psychologist who knows cognitive behavioral therapy.
Is it going on the fear of closed space?
Fear and anxiety can be overcome. It would not be correct for anyone who cannot use the Marmaray project. The step step needs to be heard in this regard. It can be passed in shorter periods. If I don't get out of here, I'll go out. Otherwise, if there is more than one fear, there is a risk of being traumatized and the table may gradually become more severe. Fear can be outweighed by similar situations. And fear remains like a friend beside that person. Exit from everything.

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