Foreign Interest Grows in Turkey

Turkey Foreign Interest Grows in: Turkey Investment Support and Promotion Agency, after the investment opportunities in the country Japan businesses in Malaysia and Singapore tanıttı- Turkey Investment Support and Promotion Agency President Aycı: - "International investors, especially Istanbul 3 Airport Dardanelles bridge pass, high-speed train lines such as İzmir-Ankara, Istanbul-Bilecik, port privatizations such as İzmir and Derince and urban transformation projects with an investment value of 400 billion dollars are warm ”

Turkey Investment Support and Promotion Agency President Ilker Ayci, international investors, Istanbul 3. The airport reported that they are interested in the Çanakkale Strait bridge crossing, high-speed train lines, port privatization and urban transformation projects.

Having accelerated its international activities to attract investment in Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency of Turkey's investments in the environment where a number of businesses in Singapore and Malaysia after Japan introduced the meeting.

Aycan providing information about introductory meetings held in Malaysia and Singapore, they perform a very important theme in the two countries, Turkey's energy and infrastructure sectors, more long-term thinking every day investor said that he check. Aycı continued as follows;

"National and local authorities in Turkey, the private sector and public sector partnership model with education, energy, construction, defense, health, transport, carries out many projects in the fields of information and communication infrastructure and other public services. Similarly, the scope of Turkey's privatization program is also located many opportunities for infrastructure investors. Among these, international investors are particularly interested in Istanbul 3rd Airport, Çanakkale Strait bridge crossing, high-speed train lines such as İzmir-Ankara, Istanbul-Bilecik, port privatizations such as İzmir and Derince and urban transformation projects with an investment value of 400 billion dollars.
Investment opportunity in energy

Although approximately $ 9 billion of the total size of 50 years of privatization in Turkey, such as infrastructure and energy production is still Aycan indicating that the opportunity to open many areas, he said:

"Turkey's growth performance and only in the energy sector in terms of targets Considering that $ 100 billion over the next decade investments should be carried out when we see that offer many investment opportunities for energy companies. In this regard, renewable energy, power plant projects, especially customizations and highlights opportunities for the evaluation of lignite reserves in Turkey. "
“Istanbul will become an energy distribution center”

Aycan of Turkey, stressing that it is adjacent to the 75 percent of the world's major energy markets, logistics, manufacturing, and distribution point very soon one of the important links in the world energy market in Istanbul has pointed out that in terms of investment.

Stating that the Istanbul Financial Center Project will also give international organizations the opportunity to manage their financial transactions from a global, cosmopolitan and vibrant business city that offers the necessary infrastructure and qualified workforce.

“Science and technology are an integral part of our country's development policy. Over the last decade, Turkey's science, technology and innovation is increasing its commitment to the investment. The main objectives of our science and technology strategy are; R & D investments to create the necessary awareness; to increase the number and quality of our scientists' professional and technical employees and to increase the share of R&D in gross domestic product.

Turkey turns. Undoubtedly, a significant part of this transformation will take place through innovation. vision in front of Turkey; is to increase the quality and quantity of scientific and technological studies in such a way that these studies can be transformed into innovations and suitable business opportunities for the society and the economy. In this respect, we attach great importance to innovation policies, by encouraging more investments aimed at improving human capital in science, technology and innovation, and to accelerate the formation and dissemination of knowledge. ”
Presentation attack will not slow down

Aycan indicating investment opportunities in Turkey will continue to tell unabated in the international arena, Japan, Singapore and Malaysia followed by the Netherlands, Germany, announced that they will hold talks in Belgium and the United States.

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