Karabük Rail Systems will be the center of transportation

Karabük Rail Systems will be the center of transportation
The 18th Ordinary General Meeting of KARDEMİR A.Ş. was held in the Meeting Hall of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences of Karabük University.
Making the opening speech of the General Assembly, Kamil Güleç, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of KARDEMİR, said that KARDEMİR is rapidly approaching its growth targets with a strategy suitable for economy of scale.

Güleç stated that 2012 was the year in which the investments to reach the targets were accelerated and that the company made the highest investment spending in the year. I 2013 will be a year when these investments are completed in the middle. 70 MW gas fuel power plant will be commissioned and commissioned this year. 50 will increase the capacity of our liquid raw materials to 3 million tons. The New Oxygen Generator investments, which will increase our capacity of Liquid Steel to 5 million tons, were planned to be completed and commissioned in the first quarter of 3.4. The New Continuous Casting Plant, which is included in our integrated investments and will carry our semi-finished capacity to 2014 million tons, was completed and commissioned. With these investments, our company will become a world-class steel company. Bu

Güleç also stated that the next targets of KARDEMİR will be towards the development of logistics channels. Our government has taken very concrete steps in Filyos Port will be one of Turkey's largest port and land acquisition work is completed. This port is one of the most important projects for our country which will bring KARDEMİR and the regional industry to the sea and open to the world. For this reason, we make efforts to realize the port as soon as possible. While carrying our production infrastructure to the world scale, we strive to increase our turnover and profitability by producing strategic products and to share higher profits with our shareholders. In doing so, it is our main duty to meet the needs and expectations of the society in which we live in order to increase the welfare level of our employees. The way to this is through a stronger and more competitive KARDEMİR. Turkish Iron and Steel Industry, which has been increasing its production for many years, has started to decline for the first time in the Xhuman period of Ochak-February. Our hope is that this situation is not permanent. However, the fragile nature of the sector and the global competition environment always compel us to be careful. On this occasion; I wish 2012 year and future years will be successful for our company and our sector. In 2013, our company 2013 million 2012 thousand 194 TL has achieved consolidated profit, and there have been significant increases in all areas from production to sales. Imiz

After the speeches Talat Yilmaz's agenda of the Presidency of the General Assembly passed to the agenda of the agenda after reading the audit reports KARDEMIR General Manager Fadil Demirel by making a speech, Karabük, trying to make the center of the rail systems, he said.

Fadil Demirel, Turkish Iron Steel has come to a good point by telling,, Demir Çelik'da eighth rank in the world, Europe in Germany, second after Germany. Without such advanced Turkish steel institute would not be. We were able to do this as a mission. Then we set a goal as a contribution to our country. In an era where our energy is expensive, we wanted to make Karabük a center for rail systems. Our State Railways (FDI) General Manager, World Rail Board Member, before themselves, the expression of me, he elicited paid little attention at the meetings Turkey since he came to a country that produces rails was a serious stand to go, they get to the end of the board. Afterwards scissors-speed train, a running system with remote control, including Turkey produces it fast now ten points and we're there with our partnership with a 34 percent. We produce scissors in Çankırı. In addition, one of the most difficult production is the wagon and locomotive wheels. There are two serious companies in Europe that can make this wheel in Europe. Steel is very special. Steel wheels as this is the only factory cleaning KARDEMİR to do in Turkey. The reason is that we are making steel from our ore. It is more difficult to pour steel than solidification. Want much more featured equipment and machinery. We will be able to establish that one of the sub-structure of the steel and its index in Turkey can only KARDEMİR. Now KARDÖKMAK has been auctioned, and we are setting up a facility in 200 thousand tons wheel. If the auction is done, we will make a decision in 5-10 days. While the construction steel 580 is now dollar, the rail 700 around the euro, around the euro in this wheel 900. An investment of about $ 1 million. We need people and quality equipment while growing very sensitive. We make the rail, we make the wheel, we make the scissors and now we think about it in the car and we finished two of the 130 wagons, all the licenses, the test certificates were taken, we get international certificates to get international equipment. one-Rail Systems Engineering at this university in Turkey. Iron and Steel Institute, Rail Systems Engineering, KARDEMİR produced rail, scissors, wheel, railcar steel rail systems, the main material, also in the rolling mills used in rail systems there are yals, there can be made in the spring steel. This transformation is very important for KARDEMİR to be forward-looking and with its feet on the ground. Afterwards, it became a factory with its own qualified employees who were able to provide our own energy. We had a serious change transformation for our employees. Çalışan

General Manager Demirel, who is currently working in the factory, is the 3 bin 462 person. This was the 3 clock man before that as the productivity of the man, tons of steel per man. We are at 3 with the production level and the number of personnel. When we reach this point, this figure will be below 7.5, three times the human productivity, this is not the monetary size. Therefore, this figure is tripled in human productivity. The factories in the world saying 'I work well' are around 5.1-3 tons per employee, we targeted it in a thousand tons. We have staff around 650 that we need to set up right now. We will reach the number of 700 thousand together with the ones who are retired without anyone's lives yan.

The General Assembly continued to be closed to the press later.

21 Diyarbakir

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