Map of TCDD Regional Offices
03 Afyonkarahisar

Railway Lengths by Provinces

Railway lengths by province: According to the data of the Turkish Republic State Railways (TCDD), which provinces are leading in terms of railway length? Here is the answer… 2012 TCDD data, [more…]


Fast train challenge to Samsuna

Samsun high-speed train struggle TümSamBir decided to initiate effective lobbying in the bureaucracy and political circles in order to bring high-speed train to Samsun. Union Chairman Kozal said, “We have three [more…]


Theft at TÜVASAŞ

Theft at TÜVASAŞ 3 suspects, who were alleged to have stolen expensive copper materials from the factory of Turkey Wagon Industry Inc. (TÜVASAŞ) in Sakarya, were caught red-handed. The suspects used material with a market value of 150 liras. [more…]