Ibrahim Mart, head of the Bursa branch of MMO, said that the Bursa Metropolitan Municipality had paid millions of euros to rail vehicles that Europe had scraped.
Bursa Chamber of Mechanical Engineers (MMO) President Ibrahim Mart, one of the rooted problems of Bursa, which is trying to solve the issue of public transportation Metropolitan Municipality by making short-term accounts wrong on the wrong problems in the future of Bursa claimed that the door opens.
Ibrahim Mart, Head of the Bursa Branch of the MMO, held a press conference at the press conference with the members of the board of directors, and publicized the 5 page report on the developments in Bursaray and asked questions about the project to Bursa Mayor Recep Altepe.
To date, various changes in the BHRS project, construction and vehicle procurement processes, a number of errors and discussions reminded me of the Ibrahim Mart, so far two different brands of vehicles are needed for the purchase of the 24 vehicle is now preferred to another brand, he added.
March, indicating that the purchase of vehicles from abroad instead of locals in Bursaray'a March, argued that the prices are in a way of debate.
In the third vehicle intake, which is a very interesting development, which attracted attention, in this period, who forgot to take additional vehicles, the Metropolitan Municipality of Bursa, the second hand tool for emergency solutions, said he fell.
Mayor Recep Altepe'nin tender to purchase a vehicle to make the tender BURULAŞ'ın MMO Bursa Branch Chairman Mart, X 2 year in the city of the Metropolitan Municipality, to meet the new need, the Rotterdam city of Holland to take scrapped wagons 6 million euros decided to take he said.
Mayor Recep Altepe'nin compare it with the new vehicle prices, trying to pretend to show a saving by saying that Ibrahim Mart, "second-hand vehicles can not be saved. Benchmarking can only be done for vehicles with the same technological level, quality and similar features, Kıy he said.
March instead of domestic production of the economy in the name of the economy underlining the worrying, said:
Hurda The purchase of scrap-type vehicles that have completed their economic life in Europe is unacceptable for Bursa. On the one hand the brand city, on the other hand, the production of the tram and production of technology in the city of Bursa and the people of Bursa to be revamped to second-hand vehicles with a word 'disrespect', the purchase process of these tools 'unplanned' and 'incompetence' with two words. "
En In such an important project involving all of Bursa, by-passing the city councils and urban dynamics is another important indicator of how the Metropolitan Municipality is conducting business, en he said.
Ir Previously purchased vehicles are two different brands and due to the differences, there are different operating, spare parts, service and maintenance difficulties for each brand. With the introduction of a third different brand vehicle, the system will become more complex and operation and maintenance costs will increase.
If this mistake is not returned, a 'scrap vehicle dump' will be formed in Bursa in the near future. This will create a significant cost and environmental problem. Bu
Bursa Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Chamber of Mechanical Engineers called for the immediate withdrawal of second-hand vehicles in BHRS.
At the end of his speech, March asked Mayor Recep Altepe to answer the following questions:
“-Have the Ministry of Transport approved the second-hand vehicles you prefer for the BHRS?
-30 used second-hand vehicles, hedef Brand City “in the target of being Bursa is worthy of?
- On the one hand, you are working hard for the local tram production ors SILK BÖCEĞİ diğer, on the other hand, you are going for a second hand import vehicle, how do you explain it?
- Do not you think that with second hand wagons, Bursa will turn into ece scrap wagon dumps ağ and that ithal domestic production lüğü with its imported purchases will be cut and will create a negative example?
-Why don't you get the views of city stakeholders and trade associations in advance in such big projects concerning the city? "
Source: 16-tr
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