Leading in the production of recording devices, HASLERRAIL gives the total consumption of line voltage and line current in graphical and tabular form and time and date of the customers at any time and in a certain time by adding energy measurement, display, recording and analysis to TELOC device recording and analysis functions.
In summary, the main purpose is with this energy system,
1. Invoicing the energy consumed by enterprises
2. In the case of energy consumption, the parameters to be met and
3. Provides great effectiveness in training the driver
With this system, Haslerrail offers a complete solution in accordance with the technical conditions and standards until the energy measurement and analysis, including registration, demonstration.
• Current and voltage measurements are provided by current or voltage transducer.
• Values are given to the calculation system by analog signals from independent or common transducers.
• These accounts are sent to the registration system via serial connection.
• The EM4T LEM counter is used in the independent calculation system.
• The TELOC device records the energy data according to time and date with a high sensitivity. If GPS is added, the data of these values can be recorded and analyzed at each point and location.
As a result, the most important advantage of this system is to evaluate the data with the analysis program.
There is no doubt that by installing ETERNET cards in TELOC devices, it is possible to obtain these data with easier and advanced systems such as WI-FI and GATEWAY.
The energy measurement, recording and analysis system which is used widely and effectively in many rail system vehicles is given in the diagram.
Representation and Consultancy Sti.